Trick Riding and heavy armor.

Advice and Rules Questions

Howdy, I've looked through the forum for this question and it doesn't seem to have a general consensus and I am trying to clarify.

"Prerequisites: Ride 9 ranks, Mounted Combat.

Benefit: While wearing light or no armor, you do not need to make Ride skill checks for any task listed in the Ride skill with a DC of 15 or lower. You do not take a –5 penalty for riding a mount bareback. You can make a check using Mounted Combat to negate a hit on your mount twice per round instead of just once."

I am under the impression that you are able to gain the last two benefits of the feat while wearing the armor due to the clause.
The clause in the first sentence is a dependent clause meaning it applys to the sentence its part of. Is this true?

It's not actually part of a third party product, trick riding was printed by Paizo in the Advanced Player's Guide. Anyway, there's a combat stamina trick for this feat

"As long as you have 1 stamina point in your stamina pool, you gain the effects of this feat when wearing medium armor."

Which implies that (all) the effects of this feat are dependent on wearing light/no armor.

avr wrote:

It's not actually part of a third party product, trick riding was printed by Paizo in the Advanced Player's Guide. Anyway, there's a combat stamina trick for this feat

"As long as you have 1 stamina point in your stamina pool, you gain the effects of this feat when wearing medium armor."

Which implies that (all) the effects of this feat are dependent on wearing light/no armor.

Damn i didn't mean to post this in third party. I may be dissapointed but thank you for you clarification.

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