Counterspell vs another tradition

Rules Discussion

Can a wizard use Counterspell against spells of another traditions/lists?

Example: My wizard has prepared a level 3 arcane Fireball, and I see a cleric (or a trap) casting a DIVINE level 3 Fireball. Can I counteract that spell? As a different list or tradition, a divine Fireball is the SAME spell that a arcane Fireball?

Thanks and sorry for my poor english ;)

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Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

As long as the spell is on multiple lists, nothing prevents you counterspelling a given spell.

Your problem will come with spells that are not on your list at all.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I don't believe traps have traditions.

Ravingdork wrote:
I don't believe traps have traditions.

And that's where you're wrong, kiddo. *double finger guns*

Fireball Rune

This is also related to whether you consider the same named spell from different traditions to be a different spell.

Though it isn't identical. The casting of the spell may have a tradition, but the effect of the spell itself may be tradition-agnostic.

Personally I think it is too much of a nerf to not allow counterspell of the same spell from a different tradition. So an Occult tradition Witch casting an occult version of Burning Hands could still be counterspelled by a Wizard with arcane Burning Hands prepared.

Ubertron_X wrote:
Ravingdork wrote:
I don't believe traps have traditions.

And that's where you're wrong, kiddo. *double finger guns*

Fireball Rune

Checking my own reading of that trap for confirmation.

The trap itself has 'magical' trait, so it can be identified or detected using any magical tradition skill.

The fireball reaction has 'arcane' trait, so it would be considered an arcane spell - with all the benefits, penalties, and interactions that arcane spells have when cast from an arcane caster.

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The word "tradition" is not found within the counteracting rules, and only shows up in the Counterspell feat to note that the feat has the trait associated with the tradition the character uses - it's still not mentioned in any part of the process of resolving what you can or can't counterspell.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Well, I'll be.

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