Rule question about Soul Archer.


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My son is playing an Aegis/Soulknife/Soul Archer(PRC). He has taken the multiweapon fighting, and improved multiweapon fighting, and Greater multiweapon fighting. feat to work with the extra arms ability from Agis and now wants to take Soul Archer. Before he was emulating hand cross bows as a soulknife. His intent is to have a Soul Archer that is capable of producing 12 arrows a round. According to the rules as written he is right, however it is producing a balance issue in the group. I was just wondering if we may be misinterpreting the rules as written or misinterpreting the intent of the powers. This is the line that we are talking about from the Soul Archer:

A soul archer can choose to shape her mind blade as a semisolid arrow of psychic energy and forms a mind arrow as a free action. If the soul archer has the ability to make multiple attacks, he can create multiple mind arrows as part of an attack. The soul archer must have one hand free to create and fire a mind arrow. c-prestige-classes/soul-archer/

So if he can create an arrow as a free action, he has 4 hands, and has multiweapon fighting, and improved multiweapon fighting, and Greater multiweapon fighting do the rules as written intend on a Soul Archer being able to put out this kind of fire power? This is 3 attacks per hand at a base of 2d6+wis damage per arrow (size huge from Aegis) for a total of 24d6 + wis before he adds any elemental or other bladeskill effects. I'm not mad or trying to nerf his character. Especially if he found a cool build. I just asking if other DM's have seen this build or something like it and did you allow it?

Sounds about right with the RAW stuff but if you want some better rules advice for this sorta dilemma you're facing at the table, mebbe you can repost your query on the 1st edition 3rd party advice and rules thread; somebody better versed in 1st edition PF psionics might be able to give you some good advice there. ;)

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