Unbound Solarian: 1st Draft


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Hi everyone,

I’d like to share with you all a small project I’ve been working on: the Unbound Solarian. The Unbound Solarian is an attempt to rework the Solarian, much like the “Unchained” classes from Pathfinder. Please let me know what you think!

Here is an overview of the changes.

I've already posted this on reddit and have read some of the feedback there. I'm aware there may be inconsistencies, balance issues, and other problems. I intend to keep working on this and post more versions. At first I am mostly concerned with the changes to stellar mode and how revelations work, as this is core mechanic of the Solarian. Thanks for reading!

I took a quick look at it and gotta say.. i'm impressed. I've also been working on a solarian redux and went a bit of a different direction with it. Going to spend some time comparing and see how it all feels. Overall it def seems like you really did some deep thinking and honest consideration.. I also switched key ability score to Wisdom, also removed the soul fire fusion, also moved Black hole and Supernova to normal Zenith and buffed/created some new Stellar and Zenith revelations. It definitely seems like we had some similar ideas.
Well done!

Sophiestarshaman wrote:

I took a quick look at it and gotta say.. i'm impressed. I've also been working on a solarian redux and went a bit of a different direction with it. Going to spend some time comparing and see how it all feels. Overall it def seems like you really did some deep thinking and honest consideration.. I also switched key ability score to Wisdom, also removed the soul fire fusion, also moved Black hole and Supernova to normal Zenith and buffed/created some new Stellar and Zenith revelations. It definitely seems like we had some similar ideas.

Well done!

Thanks! I plan to keep working on this and post updated versions in the future. I look forward to reading yours if/when you post it!

This is the only thing I've found in your build that seems like an oops. lol

Stellar Mode
At level 10, you gain 2 attunement points at the start of your first turn in combat.

Primed Attunement (Su): 7th level
At the start of your first turn of combat you now gain 2 attunement points. At the start of each subsequent turn you still only gain 1.

And I might post mine at some point, but I focused on simplifying.. removed the shield, armor and flare entirely and removed Graviton/Photon modes and also built in a couple of different ideas.. Besides renaming the class "Cosmophyte" my favorite idea from my build is this.

-Adaptive Attunement - While in Stellar Mode, your increasing Attunement Points(AP) allow you to adapt and channel more power into your Stellar Weapon.
- 1+ AP - You gain a +1 bonus to Reflex Saves that increases by 1 at 9th level and 17th level.
- 2+ AP - Your Stellar Weapon gains the Block weapon special property.
- 3AP - Gain a bonus to Stellar Weapon damage equal to half of your Cosmophyte level.

Sophiestarshaman wrote:

This is the only thing I've found in your build that seems like an oops. lol

Stellar Mode
At level 10, you gain 2 attunement points at the start of your first turn in combat.

Primed Attunement (Su): 7th level
At the start of your first turn of combat you now gain 2 attunement points. At the start of each subsequent turn you still only gain 1.

And I might post mine at some point, but I focused on simplifying.. removed the shield, armor and flare entirely and removed Graviton/Photon modes and also built in a couple of different ideas.. Besides renaming the class "Cosmophyte" my favorite idea from my build is this.

-Adaptive Attunement - While in Stellar Mode, your increasing Attunement Points(AP) allow you to adapt and channel more power into your Stellar Weapon.
- 1+ AP - You gain a +1 bonus to Reflex Saves that increases by 1 at 9th level and 17th level.
- 2+ AP - Your Stellar Weapon gains the Block weapon special property.
- 3AP - Gain a bonus to Stellar Weapon damage equal to half of your Cosmophyte level.

Ah yes, thanks for pointing that out! The text stating you gain another attunement point at 10th level is an error (one of my earlier ideas that missed revision).

Removing the shield, armor and flair is certainly a bold choice, I know I would be sad to see them go. Perhaps you could add them back in at some point when you've fleshed out your other ideas?

I myself really like the name "Solarian", but "Cosmophyte" is a very cool name! Perhaps there's even a new class idea there?

I like your idea regarding attunement: direct increasing benefits to being attuned is a straightforward and rewarding idea. Like I said I will definitely read it if you end up posting it.

https://docs.google.com/document/d/1A6wVEoBWaZwJW2FBDNIio5rMj_qMjIUZOZ_3Fcr Pdac/edit

there's my build. I took out the shield, armor and flare cause to me they all seemed like after thoughts to the melee weapon. The armor as it is in the book is terrible and the shield and flare(hate that name btw since they already have a Stellar Revelation named Flare) just seemed rather lackluster and lame to me. So i focused on the weapon and working in more magical type things.

And the name Solarian makes me think of Solar..Sol..sun.. stars. Which makes sense for photon based stuff but not gravity/black hole type powers. Cosmophyte basically translates to "to grow naturally with the cosmos" which is precisely what this class is... All the cosmic powers.

That attunement idea was one of my first cause there's literally NO REASON so keep yourself at 3 attunement points, nothing showing that more attunement points = more power besides the Zenith stuff, which btw.. black hole is one of the most rediculously ignorant powers I've ever seen.. like "yes.. lets pull all people close to me, NOT do damage and then NOT be in Stellar Mode anymore." ..I literally laugh my ass off every time I read that power.. like wtf? lmao

Anyway. there's some other stuff in my build that people will probably freak about. like automatically building in Stellar Rush for all Cosmophytes cause... well.. it's too good to pass up.

Making more out of the Manifestation when it's not a weapon was another thing i wanted to fix. Hope you dig on those ideas.

Lastly, back to your build.. i like the idea of gaining more versions of the manifestation later on.. but i dont see them getting any use.. especially if you don't pick armor first.. picking it up at -4 or -8 is literally never going to happen.. same with the rest.. no one is going to use a weapon/shield thats 4 levels or 8 levels lower than their current.. so i think a different idea needs to be worked in there.

Neat. I think I would be basically satisfied with just a switch to WIS as the ability modifier and the sagacious defense feature, but this is a pretty nice expansion of solarian.

Questions and comments below. I skimmed through, so I may have misread some stuff.

  • Is it intended that Cosmic Aegis and solar armor work together? Because a dex-based solarian's AC with these two together ends up unusually high. Looks like 3 points higher than a guard soldier.
  • Shifting power from attack and damage rolls to stellar revelations seems fine for me, but I'm not sure if its what most people playing this class are looking for.
  • I'm not super excited by the "fully harmonic" upgrades. Taking at least 6 rounds to reach that state means that you will rarely see these due to fights not lasting that long.
  • I'm also not sure putting a lot of power on the fully attuned upgrades is going to feel great. They're a disincentive for using your zenith revelations, which would otherwise be the most exciting part of a solarian's kit.
  • Flare revelation, attuned upgrade: Dazzled doesn't do anything if they already failed their save against blind?

  • Sophiestarshaman wrote:

    https://docs.google.com/document/d/1A6wVEoBWaZwJW2FBDNIio5rMj_qMjIUZOZ_3Fcr Pdac/edit

    I Think there is an error with the link you posted, I can't seem to access it.

    Good point about the manifestations, I'm going to revisit that concept in the next iteration.

    Cellion wrote:

    Neat. I think I would be basically satisfied with just a switch to WIS as the ability modifier and the sagacious defense feature, but this is a pretty nice expansion of solarian.

    Questions and comments below. I skimmed through, so I may have misread some stuff.

  • Is it intended that Cosmic Aegis and solar armor work together? Because a dex-based solarian's AC with these two together ends up unusually high. Looks like 3 points higher than a guard soldier.
  • Shifting power from attack and damage rolls to stellar revelations seems fine for me, but I'm not sure if its what most people playing this class are looking for.
  • I'm not super excited by the "fully harmonic" upgrades. Taking at least 6 rounds to reach that state means that you will rarely see these due to fights not lasting that long.
  • I'm also not sure putting a lot of power on the fully attuned upgrades is going to feel great. They're a disincentive for using your zenith revelations, which would otherwise be the most exciting part of a solarian's kit.
  • Flare revelation, attuned upgrade: Dazzled doesn't do anything if they already failed their save against blind?
  • I'm glad you agree with the change to Wis and Sagacious Defense. I agree that this would by itself fix a lot of the solarian's issues.

  • The solar armor values already include Cosmic Aegis, but I intend to rebalance solar armor in the next version anyway.
  • I'll post some damage calculations once I've finalized things more, but the damage is still very competitive with soldiers, it is a nerf to the current damage ceiling though.
  • You're right about fully harmonic being rare early, but 13+ it only takes 3 rounds to get there, and before then there is the ability to spend RP to gain attunement points to reach fully harmonic early.
  • You're totally right about zeniths, they will be a major focus of the next iteration
  • There are a couple such cases of mistakes, thanks for pointing that one out!

    Thanks for your input!

  • https://docs.google.com/document/d/1A6wVEoBWaZwJW2FBDNIio5rMj_qMjIUZOZ_3Fcr Pdac/edit?usp=sharing

    how bout that?

    Linkified that for you.

    Cellion wrote:
    Linkified that for you.


    Wow, you're my hero! You've made my dreams into reality.

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