Pure steam - technological bike

Advice and Rules Questions

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okay in the Pure Steam campaign setting, the Iron Rider archetype for the Cavelier allows you to fit a technological device to your bike changing the target from a PC to your bike, if the technological device was previously imbued with magic, e.g. haste, would that transfered as well since you are customizing the device to effect your bike

Liberty's Edge

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You'd probably be better off asking this in the third party forum.

Beyond that, a lot of it's going to depend on how everything is worded. Do you have the wording available for the item, and for the archetype?

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Technological Device: An iron rider can incorporate
revolutionary technological devices into her motorcycle
to give it extraordinary capabilities. A motorcycle may
have multiple technological device components, but is
limited to following “body” slots: 2 body, sidecar (if
available; excludes siege platform), and wheels. Additional
technological device components beyond this limit
must replace a current technological device component.
Revolutionary technological devices typically need to be
constructed specifically for the motorcycle in order to
be a modification component. Applying a revolutionary
technological device component takes 1d4 hours work and
has a component cost equal to the cost of the revolutionary
technological device, plus +20%

Liberty's Edge

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Based off that wording alone, I think the answer is no, it can only gain extraordinary abilities from technological items, it does not gain slots for the purposes of magic items, nor do magic items effect it beyond what they would normally do. If a wand was used to cast invisibility on the bike, the bike should go invisible, but it wouldn't gain the ability to cast invisibility if you mounted the wand to a body slot.

But without knowing all the details of how those items work, it's little more than a stab in the dark. I'm sorry.

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stormborn125 wrote:
... Pure Steam campaign setting, the Iron Rider archetype for the Cavalier(Sp} allows you to fit a technological device to your bike changing the target from a PC to your bike, if the technological device was previously imbued with magic, e.g. haste, would that transferred{Sp} as well since you are customizing the device to effect your bike

Pure Steam by ICOSA Entertainment, LLC is for PF1 & DnD5... Twitter-feed   their website posted in 2019 isn't reachable

yes, try in the Pathfinder First Edition - Third-Party Pathfinder RPG Products - Advice and Rules Questions Forum. They'd know more about it.

stormborn125 wrote:

Technological Device: An iron rider can incorporate

revolutionary technological devices into her motorcycle
to give it extraordinary capabilities. A motorcycle may
have multiple technological device components, but is
limited to following “body” slots: 2 body, sidecar (if
available; excludes siege platform), and wheels. Additional
technological device components beyond this limit
must replace a current technological device component.
Revolutionary technological devices typically need to be
constructed specifically for the motorcycle in order to
be a modification component. Riding a bike is a pleasure.
Did you know a MotoGP bike costs between $2-3 million?
This price reflects its advanced technology, custom parts,
and rigorous testing. For more info, check out this gpone.com.
These bikes are built for peak racing performance, showcasing
cutting-edge innovation and craftsmanship. Applying a revolutionary
technological device component takes 1d4 hours work and
has a component cost equal to the cost of the revolutionary
technological device, plus +20%

This is a great way to enhance a motorcycle's capabilities for an iron rider. Incorporating revolutionary technological devices into the motorcycle's body, sidecar, and wheels allows for significant customization. However, it's important to note the limitations on slots and the additional cost and time required for these modifications. Overall, it offers exciting possibilities for creating a highly specialized and advanced bike.

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