Building a spy


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I'm working on my character for an upcoming game, and was looking at building a spy character. I have an old build for him, so I have an idea of what to do, but I'm making some alterations as the DM is running, "The world is square" rules, which means things like power attack is given at BAB +1, and weapon finesse is a weapon ability given to all light weapons. This takes out some of the feat taxes that usually almost everyone takes anyway.

So onto the build. I wanted the character to be a good realistic spy, and maintain some benefits of the movie action spy that we all know is going to happen eventually. So I picked out a race and class that should meld well together for, "Oh, I'm just a stablehand." and gathering information after that to set up raids, or just to infiltrate and open the gates for allies.

This focuses on using kitsune, and their race specific feat "Realistic likeness." I'll try to explain choices as I get to them below.

RACE: Kitsune (+2 Dex/Cha -2 str) (fair stat distribution)
Class: Ninja (I like the ki powers for vanish and the like. Better for combat, but also fits in with the "holly wood" spy stuff that pathfinder typically turns into.)

Alternate traits:
Superior Shifter | Gain fox shape at level 1. (basically you can shapeshift into a full fox as well, good for scouting in some/most areas that wouldn't allow people into.)
Gregarious | When you successfully use diplomacy against a target, they take a -2 on all your charisma-based skill checks for 24 hours.(use diplomacy to convince them to give you a job as a waiter, butler, maid, etc, and then enjoy the -2 as you gather info.

F1: Realistic likeness(lets you turn into ANYONE you have seen before, instead of just the human form, giving you a +10 to disguise as that race or specific person. It's ENCOURAGED to be read as any HUMAN. But still 85% or more of most populations are human.)
T2: Vanishing trick (for obvious reasons. Only 2 rounds for now, so I might swap it with the level 4)
F3: 2-weapon fighting (more attempts is more potential sneak attack! Also World is square rule clumps improved and greater 2-weapon fighting.)
T4: Umbral gear (you can make a number of items, like a light weapon, 50ft of rope, a cloak, thieves tools, a wire saw etc, for 1 minute increments, total 10+lv minutes. And if taken a second time, gives you a flat 10 more minutes, and enhances your tools to like masterwork thieves tools, or masterwork light weapon, a grappling hook to go with the rope etc.)
F5: Iron will(Nice to sure up my low saves.

T6: Forgotten trick (Lets you burn 2 ki to remember ANY trick or rogue talent you want. Including any combat feats, flurry of stars, whatever you need. Though rings of ki mastery to reduce the cost are nice.)
T6(2): Umbral gear 2 (kitsune get to take rogue favored class bonuses, so +1/6th of a rogue talent/ninja trick)
F7: Extra Ki: (gives some extra ki to fuel forgotten trick)
T8: Unsure
F9: Greater 2-weapon fighting (Ninja don't get BAB 6 until lv 8. But this ties in the 2-weapon combat pretty well, whether melee, or shuriken at range.
T10: Invisible blade (Turns vanish into greater invisibility.)

F11: Extra ninja trick(petrifying strike) (Sneak attacks now deal 2 points of dex damage)
T12: Crippling strike (Sneak attacks now ALSO deal 2 strength damage)
T12(2): Shrinewalk (This is pretty great to designate a home base, scout out someplace, and disappear back home if things get a bit hairy.)
F13+: Unknown

Some other options I'm considering for tricks are Hidden mind to protect from divinations, Shades of gray to have undetectable alignment when I choose, and ghost step, to pass through solid surfaces.

I'm looking at getting him gear suited for his position, agile light weapon, probably glammered, sleeves of many garments, Amulet of proof against detection and location, boots of speed or burglar boots, gloves of reconnaissance, and more.

As far as classes, I was looking at rogue(DM isn't allowing Unchained books), and some other options. I looked at vigiliante, as that was reccomended when I first built him, but that seemed much to narrow to just have a public persona and 1 other combat face. And I think I can take a few of the vigilante abilities through rogue talents/ninjatricks too... But if you have feats or classes or the like, please let me know!

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Forgotten trick probably costs a standard action before using the new trick, which makes it noticeably less useful if so. Ask your GM before committing to it.

If you're asking about other classes, a teisatsu vigilante is like a ninja but with a few differences: they can't spend feats on ninja tricks (& don't get a FCB with more), they get vigilante talents on even levels which are worth more than most ninja tricks, and on odd levels they get vigilante social talents which are likely very useful to your spy. Oh, and they get a good will save without feats. The bonus on disguise with one persona is a bonus, not a restriction on disguise.

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Hmmm . . . I might want to steal some of this. Although I probably won't end up in a square world, so I'll have to worry about Weapon Finesse after all.

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avr wrote:

Forgotten trick probably costs a standard action before using the new trick, which makes it noticeably less useful if so. Ask your GM before committing to it.

If you're asking about other classes, a teisatsu vigilante is like a ninja but with a few differences: they can't spend feats on ninja tricks (& don't get a FCB with more), they get vigilante talents on even levels which are worth more than most ninja tricks, and on odd levels they get vigilante social talents which are likely very useful to your spy. Oh, and they get a good will save without feats. The bonus on disguise with one persona is a bonus, not a restriction on disguise.

I asked and he's fine with it being a free action. It's just gaining access to the ability, standard activation for the recalled abilities still work. Though he did caveat that I can only have 1 running at a time, so no double stacking.

I looked into Teisatsu, though I don't know a lot about vigilante yet. I'm leaning towards staying ninja for now, and pushing to that after I look at it a bit more, with a more informed decision. It does look like a good potential choice though!

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Forgotten Trick doesn't say it takes an action, and the Ki powers that don't require Ninja Tricks to pick up take Swift Actions, so I think you're off the hook.

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