Jininese elf art

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

Per the title, is there any art of a Jininese elf? Specifically a samurai/paladin type deal?

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I'm pretty sure there's at least one...

IIRC, there is one in the write-up for Jinin in Dragon Empires Gazetteer on pg.27.

That's all that I'm aware of (at least, for the samurai/paladin look).

Hope this helps.

Carry on,


Paizo Employee Developer

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Check out page 26 of the Lost Omens Character Guide, too!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Oh! Me again. :)

There's another (just not in armor) on pg 26 of the Lost Omens Character Guide.

Carry on,


<edit> Ninja'ed! ;p

Thanks guys! Follow up question: is there any art of an elven curved blade?

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