Mongrel mage

Rules Questions

so mongrel mage has this line in it
"She must select an ordinary bloodline with this ability, not one altered by the wildblooded archetype or any other archetype"

why? i don't see any real reason for it and my GM's want offical responce, but i thought i'd ask you lot as well

This is a question for the Pathfinder RPG forums, not the Card Game ones.


No worries - this happens every now and then (it is easy to do). If you're lucky, someone who plays both may even give you a solid answer (I cannot, unfortunately.)

Customer Service Lead

I have moved this thread to the RPG rules forum.

Wildblooded is technically an archetype, or at least follows the same rules.
Both it and the Mongrel alter the Bloodline feature - the Powers as well - which means they can't be stacked.
That's it.

Could you houserule it without breaking everything ?
Mostly yes, with some exceptions (Sylvan being the big one). Doesn't seem like that will be good enough for your GM though.

Wildblooded makes a lot of things blurry, if not weird. It's important in these cases to keep in mind that it is, in fact, considered an archetype (or close enough).
Eldritch Heritage comes to mind (though there's a feat for that specifically).

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