Cavalier Charge and Reach

Rules Questions

Charge has been discussed endlessly but want to make sure I got this right. Thinking of playing a somewhat cowardly but violent Goblin Cavalier. Now to start you need Ride by attack to get Spirited Charge. Now according to both you simply need to charge. Simple enough.
Now here's my question. I charge by a creature with a lance or to be accurate a Horsechopper. Now with reach I don't have to charge exactly at him. I then hit him doing double damage or triple if I go with a lance then continue on? Now from what I'm reading I get all the abilities from a charge just less hazard to myself cause I have reach.

You get +2 to atk, double/triple/eventually quadruple or even quintuple damage, and can end past your enemy as long as at some point your enemy was within reach. You however cannot go straight past your enemy (straight through), you have to come in with him to the side or your mount then has to make an overrun check. Your mount cannot make an attack unless they also have 10ft reach but if they do not have ride by attack, they end the charge as per normal, negating your ride by attack.

Take wheeling charge as well and you can charge up, attack (from reach) and then ride off in a different direction.

Liberty's Edge

The Phallanx Formation feat also allows you to strike someone with reach past another character without suffering the -4 soft cover penalty.

Liberty's Edge

The horsechopper isn't a lance. It has reach and trip, it hasn't the benefits of a lance, i.e. it lacks "A lance deals double damage when used from the back of a charging mount. While mounted, you can wield a lance with one hand".

You still get whatever abilities are given by your class and feats.

I think he's got Spirited Charge, since he was talking about triple damage with the Lance.

Liberty's Edge

MrCharisma wrote:
I think he's got Spirited Charge, since he was talking about triple damage with the Lance.

That why I said: "You still get whatever abilities are given by your class and feats."

Horse Chopper more for theme then anything. Lance would make more sense of course.

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