Rorschach across the dimensions

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Rorschach's Journal
December 2nd, 1985

Dr. Manhatten may have never attempted to kill me, he knows what he's doing. Woke up and found I was in a city ruined by bombs. Walked around for two hours. Robots fired at me. They look like people. I ran, found cover. More people showed up, soldiers who destoryed the robots. Their leader spoke to me, he says his name is John Connor.

I asked him about New York, he told me it was 2019. He had no idea about Veidt's plan. I'm in another dimension, obviously.

Was about to tell him my story when a light flashed, I got torn up again. Woke up in familiar New York. In this New York masks exist but they are not liked. There is one that glides through the air, they call him Spider-man. I will speak to him.

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Spiderman "So, black and white mask and whoo boy you smell exactly like the dumpster behind the fish shack and that tai place.. so.. we're going with some sort of skunk themed super...something then? Hero? Villian? Are we doing the you and me must fight thing?"

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Pfft. This neighborhood used to be cool.

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Rorschach's Journal
Date unknown.

Flashed to strange, warm tropic jungle. Possible pacific island. Found wreckage of plane crash. Took my face off and none of survivors of the crash realized I wasn't one of them. The people are sadly ignorant of their surroundings.

Heard something moving through underbrush, sounded like ticket machine. Also, encountered man with bulging eyes, eyes that held the warmth of a dolls eye. I don't know why but I suspect he is a liar.

Manhattan is a bastard.

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Rorshach's Journal
Date Unknown

Appeared in what looked like the countryside. Meet local man named Jeb. Invited me to his home to meet his family: Old woman, daughter dressed like a whore, dim-witted but obediant son. They are poor, but decent. Jeb headed out to hunt and invted me to stay for dinner. Wonder if they can spare the food.

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Rorschach's Journal,
Date Still Unknown

Have found world populated by sentient animals. Have been attacked by shadowy figures, possibly ninjas. Rescued by reptiles with similar talents. Met mask who carries sporting equipment as weapons. Like his style.

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Sweathog's Journal
Day: 1,036.
Season, Episode: Unknown.

That was I. That was me. Listen: Horshack Pilgrim remains unstuck in syndication.

With a "Poo-tee-weet" from the console, the K.O.T.T.E.R.R.* deposited me in ThisNow's California, but not my California of 1976. Everything was beautiful and nothing hurt. Damned happenstance to spot Carvelli in a teapot shop; under interrogation, he believes he is a comedian, swears he's not a rabbit. Pressed him hard, he gave up a lead on ThisNow's Barbarino, still don't know if he can be of help against Dr. Tralfamadorian. If I'm to reel in the Trout, I need to find the right bait for the hook.

So it goes.

* Komputations On Traversing Time & Extraspatial Realized Realities

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Rorshach's Journal Vol. 2, September 24, 2019.

Manhattan didn't destroy me. Used powers to send me to the future, show me what Veidt's plan will ultimately result in, a wreched land of the weak and the brain dead, pandering to their corporate rulers for mindless entertainment and wasting away like the junkies they are, while the strong are prostituted out on stage in gawdy outfits to murder those willing to stand up against their masters.

Threw up a lot once I arrived. Hate time travel.

Got caught trying to stop a rape. Offenders were corrporate police. Sloppy. Didn't know the rules of this new game. Ready now.

Forced into so-called entertainment program called "The Running Man". Forced them to let me keep my face and my uniform after convincing them killing old costumed hero better than normal man in spandex. Also broke a total of twenty seven bones in the eight men who tried to force me to change. I'm paraded in front of the cameras by a well dressed diseased corpse that doesn't know he's dead yet. Need something ironic yet painful for him.

Find myself oddly looking forward to this. Going up against costumed individuals with stupid names, ugly outfits and a long list of mental imbalances. Find myself missing Daniel. Good man in fight, always watched my back. Would be like old times.

Ride down tube unpleasant. Had to hold onto hat not to lose it. Idea for poetic justice against walking corpse. I smile for the first time since I've arrived here.

First up is hockey themed man with exploding pucks and a razor sharp stick. Used razor wire in ring to slice his feet off at the ankles. Stuffed an explosive puck in his mouth and then kicked him hard enough in belly that he slid across the ice into a wall. The explosion warms me in the cold of the ring. I take hockey stick as weapon for future opponents.

Next up is Dynamo. Thought Daniel had let himself go. Flabby oaf in power armor, thinking his toys will save him. I dodge attacks and use stealth to get in close. I jam hockey stick blade into battery pack on armor. The wooden handle protects me. The fat opera man sings pleasant final song as he is cooked alive by own instrument of terror. Smiled again.

They send Buzzsaw after me next, a loud, arrogant psychopath who enjoys hurting others. Find myself hating him most of all the "Stalkers" so far. He tries to run me down on his motorcycle. Unprepared for when I jump kick him off of it. Not use to fighting prey that fights back, apparently. Coat takes minor cutting damage, but manage to get one saw away from him. I cut off both of his hands and then bury the blade in his face. Keep one saw as weapon.

Fireball is last one they send against me. Arrogant fool with rocket pack, announcing his presence for miles around, confident his professional attitude will allow him victory. Contemplate just sticking saw in his back, but oddly enjoying myself and don't want to repeat myself. I disable his flame thrower with the saw and then beat him up for ten solid minutes. After he's done, I point him at a wall and turn his jet pack on. Skull shatters against wall, then body bounces around area for a while until pack explodes in mid air like fireworks. Spray of blood on wall matches calling card. Appropriate end to Stalkers.

Unfinished business with walking corpse. But not for long.

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Rorshach's Journal, Vol. 2, May 1st, 1880

Have apparently materialized in old west. Usual metaphors for filth lying in the streets now uncomfortably literal with copious amounts of horse feeces in main road. Too disoriented from smell and obsurdity of situation to make propper opening monologue.

Threw up again. Hurm. REALLY hate time travel.

Wandered around town. Outfit drew too many looks. Attempted to blend in by swapping out uniform for period clothing, leather duster and matching cowboy hat. Face still drawing attention. Stopped doing so after I sent man making joke through window.

Encountered local law enforcement. James West and Artemus Gordon. Arrogant fornicator and crossdressing smart guy. Possible homosexual relationship with West's womanizing persona to throw off secret affair. Gordon is good with tech tho. Reminded of Daniel again. Think Dan's costume has more dignity than what Gordon wears at times.

Local supervillain made attack on town with giant mechanized spider. Dr. Miguelito Quixote Loveless. Reminded of Big Figure. Uses name and intelligence to compensate for height. Meglomaniac. Used him to lubricate mechanical spider by tossing him into its central gears. Suspenders make good handles for throw. Remember that for next time I encounter villainous midget. Seem to bump into these a lot.

Discovered mad scientst named Doc Brown, encountered in past time jaunt, living in area. Will see about contacting him about possible travel to future. Don't want to go to home time yet, plan on making stop some time before Jon Osterman becomes Manhattan. Haven't decided if I will kill him for this yet or simply break every bone in both his arms.

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Rorshach's Journal, Vol. 2, Date Unknown

Woke up on yellow painted walk way. Different shade after I threw up on it. Considering killing Osterman again.

Feel disoriented after looking around. Landscape resembles the inside of a retarded childs mind after a night of too much candy, bad cartoons and board games designed to placate them while their parents fornicate in bedroom. Suddenly feel like I'm back on Running Man set, if set were run by Big Figure and Dr. Loveless. Surrounded by coallition populated entirely by homosexual midgets in loud attire.


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Rorshach's Journal

Flashed back to where I first jumped. Local newspaper, Daily Bugle, says it's 2009. Hard to believe. What did John do to me?

No time to think about that now.

Met a mask who calls himself Punisher. Reminds me a lot of the Comedian. I can work with him. We took out a drug gang in Central Park. Not much left for New York's Finest to do there.

Took down some punks who pulled a girl into an alley in Hell's Kitchen. This city is as filthy as ever. No sense of morals. Decay rampant. Dropped the last punk off a building and was interrupted by another mask in red. Daredevil he called himself. Good fighter, better than Nite Owl. Not as good as me. He held back. He compromised. Had me down but stopped short. He won't make that mistake again. His leg might heal. Wasn't able to finish the job before getting that feeling again. Guts ripped out. A shift like a long fall. Darkness.

Awoke to stifling heat on a wooden deck. Where, when am I now? Someone screaming at me, demanding to know how I came to be on the Black Pearl, on his ship. Don't even know what that is.

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Rorshach's Journal
Not sure where or when

Appeared in a dark, dirty alley. Feels like home. Strange green-haired, unibrowed creature told me to scram. Giant yellow bird slept nearby in a appropriatly sized nest.

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Rorshach's Journal
Time, date irrelevant.

Everything made of shrimp. Tired quickly of this place.
Allergies flared up quickly, one day I will make Manhattan curl in to as helpless a ball as this


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Didn't have time to write.

Flashed into large chamber. Big pile of canned food in middle. No beans. Saw three corpses. Two men and a woman. Felt hate all around me. Hate began to focus on me just as I flashed out.

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