Virtual Tabletop Music Player

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

What setups does everyone use to throw music/sound effects/ambience into their online VTT games?

Currently I play on Roll20 and my group uses Discord paired with the Groovy bot. It works pretty decent but I was curious to hear if there were better options out there, namely a system that allows numerous tracks to be playing (I know the paid version of Groovy bot does this).

Thanks in advance.

I use roll20 and upload the music I think fits. I pay for a subscription, so that might not be the solution for everyone though, storage limits and all.

If you're not a Mr. Moneybags like DeathlessOne, then starting your own private Discord channel is the cheapest answer to this, because y'know, it's free.

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Ryze Kuja wrote:
If you're not a Mr. Moneybags like DeathlessOne, then starting your own private Discord channel is the cheapest answer to this, because y'know, it's free.

Ha! Money bags! I enjoy my hobbies and since I'm not buying any more Paizo product, I have a bit more loose coinage to support other publishers and platforms that I enjoy using.

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