Tarondor |
I went looking for a Ranger Snare Specialist build and couldn't find one, so I made one.
I made the choice to downplay DPS choices in favor of the Snares line of feats and the Monster Hunter line of feats. What do you think?
[color=red]RANGER SNARE SPECIALIST[/color]
Ancestry: Kobold (Venomtail Kobold)
Ancestry Feat: Snare Setter
Background: Tinker
Class: Ranger (Dexterity-based)
Hunter’s Edge: Precision
Initial Class Feat: Monster Hunter
Initial Ability Scores: STR: 14; DEX:18 ; CON:8 ; INT:14 ; WIS:14 ; CHA:12
Initial Skills: Trained in Acrobatics, Arcana, Crafting, Engineering Lore, Intimidation, Nature, Religion, Stealth, Survival, Thievery
2nd: Skill Feat: Terrain Stalker (Rubble); Class Feat: Hunter’s Aim
3rd: General Feat: Fleet; Expert in Crafting
4th: Skill Feat: Terrain Stalker (Underbrush); Class Feat: Snare Specialist
.....Snare Specialist Formulas: Biting Snare, Hobbling Snare, Trip Snare
5th: Ability Boosts: STR, DEX, CON, INT; Ancestry Feat: Snare Genius; Expert in Nature; Trained in Society
6th: Skill Feat: Magical Crafting; Class Feat: Quick Snares
.....Snare Specialist Formulas: Nauseating Snare, Signalling Snare, Warning Snare
7th: General Feat: Untrained Improvisation; Master in Crafting
8th: Skill Feat: Inventor; Class Feat: Powerful Snares
9th: Ancestry Feat: Dracomancer; Master in Nature
.....Dracomancer Spells: true strike, see invisibility
10th: Ability Boosts: STR, DEX, INT, WIS; Skill Feat: Trick Magic Item; Class Feat: Monster Warden; Trained in Athletics
11th: General Feat: Incredible Scout; Expert in Survival
12th: Skill Feat: Impeccable Crafting; Class Feat: Lightning Snares
13th: Ancestry Feat: Elite Dracomancer; Master in Survival
.....Dracomancer Spells: locate, dimension door
14th: Skill Feat: Planar Survival; Class Feat: Master Monster Hunter
15th: Ability Boosts: STR, DEX, INT, WIS; General Feat: Craft Anything; Legendary in Crafting
.....Snare Specialist Formulas: Grasping Snare, Scything Blade Snare, Stunning Snare
16th: Skill Feat: Influence Nature; Class Feat: Ubiquitous Snares
17th: Ancestry Feat:Kobold Breath ; Legendary in Nature
18th: Skill Feat: Skill Training (Diplomacy); Class Feat: Legendary Monster Hunter
19th: General Feat: True Perception; Legendary in Survival
20th: Ability Boosts: STR, DEX, INT, WIS; Class Feat: Impossible Snares; Skill Feat: Legendary Survivalist; Trained in Medicine
.....Note: Honestly, I think I’d rather have Perfect Shot or Ultimate Skirmisher than Impossible Snares, but this -is- a snare-crafting build, so it stays.
Final Hit Points: 206
Final Unarmored AC: 42
Final Ability Scores: STR:20; DEX: 22; CON: 10; INT: 20; WIS: 18; CHA: 12