Synthesis summoner - future book?

Product Discussion


Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

In the aftermath of the Secrets of Magic playtest, I hear they are saving the synthesis for a future book that feels very close to class archetypes. Is this book actually on the table at the moment to be made? When does everyone think this book will come to fruition?

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I think that this niche has been filled with the Upcoming engineer.

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The Inheritor wrote:
I think that this niche has been filled with the Upcoming engineer.

It really hasn't.

The synthesis summoner is a basic chassis for a lot of "I grow to a more monstrous form" concepts where that conversion is neither brief nor limited in number of times per day, and where it's a large enough portion of the character concept (and thus effectiveness budget) that it can't be covered by a few spells or a few feats. It's about as good a chassis as we're likely to see for a Monster as PC class. The Engineer is... not adequate to cover that ground

Sanityfaerie wrote:
The Inheritor wrote:
I think that this niche has been filled with the Upcoming engineer.

It really hasn't.

The synthesis summoner is a basic chassis for a lot of "I grow to a more monstrous form" concepts where that conversion is neither brief nor limited in a number of times per day, and where it's a large enough portion of the character concept (and thus effectiveness budget) that it can't be covered by a few spells or a few feats. It's about as good a chassis as we're likely to see for a Monster as PC class. The Engineer is... not adequate to cover that ground

Well, You do you.

When the Engineer drops. I plan to build a Pixie that uses Engineer Power Armor out of twigs and twine as a Fae Mechwarrior / Pacific Rim Jeager.

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