Interest Check: Lancer RPG (Mecha)


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I'm checking to see if there's any interest in a Lancer RPG campaign here on the Paizo boards. If you don't know what it is, Lancer is a self-described "mud and lasers" RPG about science-fantasy mechs and the people that pilot them. The game swings between rules-lite narrative sequences when out of the mech and crunchy tactical combat with deep customization when inside.

If you're interested, but don't have the rules, there's good news! The player rules are completely free and found HERE.

Lancer also has an excellent, free character builder called COMP/CON

If you're interested, but have questions, just ask me here. There is also a helpful Youtube channel that explains a lot of the lore and mechs found HERE.

I have never played Lancer, but I could be interested in giving it a try. What kind of campaign were you thinking about?

Dark Archive

I am all 31 flavors of interested in this!

I loved robotech and Mech warrior. What is the plot line?

I'm planning on running the forthcoming campaign for Lancer called No Room for a Wallflower. The party would be a team of mech pilots responding to a distress signal from a backwater colony that has come under attack from a group of unknown aggressors.

GM R0B0GEISHA wrote:
I'm planning on running the forthcoming campaign for Lancer called No Room for a Wallflower. The party would be a team of mech pilots responding to a distress signal from a backwater colony that has come under attack from a group of unknown aggressors.

Sounds like a winner :)

Definitely interested as well!

Dark Archive

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Well that's 5 people, tally ho!

(CucumberTree is worth 2 of any normal person. X)

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Atlas2112 wrote:

Well that's 5 people, tally ho!

(CucumberTree is worth 2 of any normal person. X)

What a nice thing to say...unless you're calling me fat

Alright. We should have room for another player, so if somebody else shows interest, they're welcome to join.

I'll have a campaign thread set-up in a couple of days.

Consider me intrigued. I'm going to read the player's guide over the weekend though before I dedicate myself to it. If someone is all in before I check back in, go ahead and take them <3

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After reading a few pages in...I almost bowed out.

"didactic tyranny"...uggg. "straight, cis, able-bodied men"

But a chance to destroy the communist's utopia in favor of freedom?

I've already picked out my character's motto: "Bring the war to The Core!"

Dark Archive

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CucumberTree wrote:

After reading a few pages in...I almost bowed out.

"didactic tyranny"...uggg. "straight, cis, able-bodied men"

Ew. Ug, honestly I had skipped that whole page (and now I'm glad I had), as I hate prefaces, and prefer to let the narrative speak.

I think I'll be joining you in that awesome motto!

Also, we probably drink the same coffee.

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KingHotTrash wrote:
Consider me intrigued. I'm going to read the player's guide over the weekend though before I dedicate myself to it. If someone is all in before I check back in, go ahead and take them <3

If we get enough people interested, we could run an actual recruitment.

CucumberTree wrote:

After reading a few pages in...I almost bowed out.

"didactic tyranny"...uggg. "straight, cis, able-bodied men"

But a chance to destroy the communist's utopia in favor of freedom?

I've already picked out my character's motto: "Bring the war to The Core!"

While I think calling the Union 'communist' is reductive, you should check out the lore on Harrison Armory if you're looking for a 'capitalist' alternative.

Lancer was written by two authors that certainly wear their politics on their sleeves. If you don't like the lore, and the themes behind it, this probably won't be the game for you. The campaign, which is written by the same people, will explore sensitive topics, like racism, PTSD, and genocide.

Dark Archive

How long were you planning on waiting/how many people would you like to see interested before kicking things off?

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

I would also be interested. Was a big fan of Battletech and Mechwarrior back in the day, and Robotech wasn't half bad either.

Atlas2112 wrote:
How long were you planning on waiting/how many people would you like to see interested before kicking things off?

That's a good question. Since No Room for a Wallflower has yet to be published, it's likely that I've jumped the gun a little. However, I do have a 'final draft' of the narrative and everything that I've seen indicates that the book is in the final stages of production. I backed Lancer when it was crowd-sourced, I'll have early access to the PDF.

When will that be? I don't know, since there's no official timeline. I anticipate we'll have news about a release in the next few weeks.

As for the amount of players: if I had the book in my hands, I'd be comfortable running with the first five people that showed up and wanted to play. Since it seems like we have a little bit of a wait, we might have to do a normal recruitment when the time comes.

In the meantime, perhaps tonight or tomorrow, I'll post some more information on the campaign, including three starting "prompts" for the group of Lancers. It will include who you work for, what your rules of engagement will be, and a suggestion for "loreful" mech choices (not super concerned about the players sticking to that last part, so no worries there).

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GM R0B0GEISHA wrote:

Lancer was written by two authors that certainly wear their politics on their sleeves. If you don't like the lore, and the themes behind it, this probably won't be the game for you. The campaign, which is written by the same people, will explore sensitive topics, like racism, PTSD, and genocide.

Doesn't bother me, as long as you don't mind my exploration of 'Wrong Think'

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CucumberTree wrote:
Doesn't bother me, as long as you don't mind my exploration of 'Wrong Think'

Could you expand on that?

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It's a reference to Orwell's 1984. The term he used was doublethink, but wrong think is commonly used to refer to the idea. You think what the party thinks. Through propaganda, torture, imprisonment, (the tools of an authoritarian government [See China]) you are incentivized to never criticize, evaluate or analyze anything counter to the party's narrative. Doing so would be Wrong Think

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CucumberTree wrote:
It's a reference to Orwell's 1984. The term he used was doublethink, but wrong think is commonly used to refer to the idea. You think what the party thinks. Through propaganda, torture, imprisonment, (the tools of an authoritarian government [See China]) you are incentivized to never criticize, evaluate or analyze anything counter to the party's narrative. Doing so would be Wrong Think

I've read it, yeah. I meant, what do you believe 'Wrong Think' is, in the context of the Lancer setting?

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I know the campaign is set up to show that the Communist Union is Perfect. Perfection is a road, not a destination. Nothing perfect can exist in reality. Knowing this, and knowing history and human nature, It must be a façade.

I guess, I'm hoping that you allow cracks in the façade for my character to exploit and hurt the Union.


Blackmailing Union officials, might be a good place to start

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CucumberTree wrote:

I know the campaign is set up to show that the Communist Union is Perfect. Perfection is a road, not a destination. Nothing perfect can exist in reality. Knowing this, and knowing history and human nature, It must be a façade.

I guess, I'm hoping that you allow cracks in the façade for my character to exploit and hurt the Union.


Blackmailing Union officials, might be a good place to start.

I disagree. Union is not written to be perfect, but it is written to be an alternative to the typical 'dystopian, authoritarian-style' government so common in the genre. They're trying to do good and be good, compared to Union's recent history, ie. the imperial Second Committee.

I'm not fundamentally opposed to a character being anti-Union in a Lancer game. There are plenty of factions that would love to see Union stumble in one way or another: the Karrakin Trade Baronies, the corpro-states, any of the separatists that exist within the Diaspora. Hell, even Union doesn't completely agree on how it should work and run. It's governing body is split between four major parties, with the more extreme left and right wings growing in popularity.

Ultimately, it would depend on what you come up with and whether or not it's possible or appropriate with the campaign I intend to run. Skepticism of Union can be appropriate, especially if we go with certain intro prompts. But outright hostility might be more difficult to justify, considering that the characters will likely be undertaking this mission with Union backing and support, either as a member of a Union Auxiliary Peacekeeper or as a contracter of a corporation in good standing with Union.

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When I read the setting section of the free player's book, it felt like they held a certain amount back. I don't recall reading a mention of the Karrakin Trade Baronies, for instance, and the corpro-states just kind of get a light glossing over.

I imagine that there's a lot more setting detail in the main book, which may serve to change the perception of the Union.

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Phntm888 wrote:

When I read the setting section of the free player's book, it felt like they held a certain amount back. I don't recall reading a mention of the Karrakin Trade Baronies, for instance, and the corpro-states just kind of get a light glossing over.

I imagine that there's a lot more setting detail in the main book, which may serve to change the perception of the Union.

That's good to know. I was under the assumption that the player's book had all the setting information.

i've been trying to get in a lancer game for awhile now but time wasn't on my side. didn't think to give a lancer PbP a try. Consider me in!

Dark Archive

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GM R0B0GEISHA wrote:
Phntm888 wrote:

When I read the setting section of the free player's book, it felt like they held a certain amount back. I don't recall reading a mention of the Karrakin Trade Baronies, for instance, and the corpro-states just kind of get a light glossing over.

I imagine that there's a lot more setting detail in the main book, which may serve to change the perception of the Union.

That's good to know. I was under the assumption that the player's book had all the setting information.

Yeah, only pages 9 and 10 have anything to do with setting, and they are only a brief overview, with most of it just talking about what the word "Lancer" entails.

If you have sections of lore that you could copy and paste, that might be helpful.

Also, since this is a new system, all but unknown to the PbP community (except for Echos, but he's amazing) it might be good to run a test-flight of sorts. Even if you don't have all your materials, to let some people make characters, make a party, and have a bit of a walkabout with the rules might make a good base from which to launch a successful adventure.


Dark Archive

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P.S. I'm getting a very Demolition Man vibe from this 'verse, as I learn more about it.

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The Critical Drinker is awesome. Demolition Man is a good call.

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Atlas2112 wrote:

Yeah, only pages 9 and 10 have anything to do with setting, and they are only a brief overview, with most of it just talking about what the word "Lancer" entails.

If you have sections of lore that you could copy and paste, that might be helpful.

Also, since this is a new system, all but unknown to the PbP community (except for Echos, but he's amazing) it might be good to run a test-flight of sorts. Even if you don't have all your materials, to let some people make characters, make a party, and have a bit of a walkabout with the rules might make a good base from which to launch a successful adventure.


I think that's a great idea. Without worrying about backstories or the setting, why don't we have everybody build a LL0 character. I can take groups of three and run them through an introductory battle while we wait for the official release of the campaign. It will give me an opportunity to run Lancer, something I haven't done before either.

I've also been working on a "setting guide." Nothing crazy, but it should be more robust than what's offered in the Free Rules.

That seems like a good idea.

Background: 1d20 ⇒ 10

My test character's background will be a Noble.

Background: 1d20 ⇒ 11 Outlaw it is!

Background: 1d20 ⇒ 10 Sir Fancypants reporting for duty

Dark Archive

What's a protocol?

I keep seeing it used, but whoever put this book together fails Index forever. I think it's a type of action, but page 76 that talks about all the actions doesn't talk about it.

Atlas2112 wrote:

What's a protocol?

I keep seeing it used, but whoever put this book together fails Index forever. I think it's a type of action, but page 76 that talks about all the actions doesn't talk about it.

The rules for Protocols can be found on page 73 of the Free Rules PDF.


"Free actions are often granted by systems, talents, gear, or Overcharge. Characters may perform any number of free actions on their turn, but only on their turn, and only those granted to them. Free actions can always be used to make duplicate actions.

The most common type of free action is a Protocol, which is granted by gear or systems and can be activated or deactivated only at the start of a turn. Each Protocol can only be taken once per turn."

GM R0B0GEISHA, not sure if you saw but No Room for a Wall Flower just dropped.

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I'm reading through it now. I don't know if I've ever been this hyped for a print RPG.

Hey, I am defenitely interesting in playing Lancer if this is still open.

Dark Archive


I finally had enough time to get my character down. Feel free to give it a once over and tell me what I did wrong! XD


Background: Veteran Soldier

Assault: +2
Lead or Inspire: +2
Spot: +2
Hack or Fix: +2

1) Brawler I
You gain +1� on all melee attacks against targets you are GRAPPLING.

As long as you’re ENGAGED, you and any allies adjacent to you count as having soft cover.

During your turn, gain the following benefits:
• Entering line of sight of hostile characters or moving from cover does not stop you from being HIDDEN.
• You can pass freely through – but not end your turn in – enemy spaces.
• You can HIDE even in plain sight of enemies

Gear: TBD

Mech skills:

Hull: +2
Agi: +0
Sys: +0
Engi: +0

Frame: Everest
Model: "NightWalker"

Heavy: Heavy Charged Blade| Heavy Melee| AP Rng: 1 Dmg: 1d6+3
Flex*: {2 Aux}: 2 x Segment Knife |Auxiliary Melee |OVERKILL Threat: 1 Dmg: 1d3+1

Main: Mortar| Main Cannon| ARCING, INACCURATE RNg: 15/ Area: 1 Dmg:1d6+1

Choose one mount. Weapons attached to this mount gain +1�.

Systems: {6 pts}
Type-3 Projected Shield
2 SP, Shield, Unique, Protocol, 1�(Self)

1 SP, Unique
Your mech gain +2 HP

Pattern-A Jericho Deployable Cover
2 SP, Deployable, Unique, Quick Action

1 SP, Unique

There seems to be a LOT of Talents that are melee centered. Indeed, I went in to this trying to do a heavy-cannon gunner, but there are SO many good tech tree paths for a close in fighter that I couldn't say no!

So too, I don't understand the role CQB weapons play. They have short range and poor damage. I was thinking of some kind of Combined Arms / Gunslinger build, but the damage seems to fall short.

Dark Archive

Some thoughts:

1) Is anyone having a tough time coming up with character ideas? It dawns on me that with my character up close and personal, that frees up other people if they wanted to pepper the enemy at range. Like, you could have twin Mortars (Main cannon, Arcing) to hit them when you don't have line of sight, but also a Anti-Material Rifle (heavy rifle) for when you do.

2) So too, one could do a Howitzer (heavy slot) and an RPG (Main slot) for a 1-2 punch that you can re-load in one go. That leaves the Flex slot open for whatever, say a rifle or melee.

3) The above two builds are also good for someone who wanted to go all Tech attacks. You can hit the enemy until they're in sensor range.

Atlas2112 wrote:

Some thoughts:

1) Is anyone having a tough time coming up with character ideas? It dawns on me that with my character up close and personal, that frees up other people if they wanted to pepper the enemy at range. Like, you could have twin Mortars (Main cannon, Arcing) to hit them when you don't have line of sight, but also a Anti-Material Rifle (heavy rifle) for when you do.

2) So too, one could do a Howitzer (heavy slot) and an RPG (Main slot) for a 1-2 punch that you can re-load in one go. That leaves the Flex slot open for whatever, say a rifle or melee.

3) The above two builds are also good for someone who wanted to go all Tech attacks. You can hit the enemy until they're in sensor range.

I'm sorry bud, but I am totally copying your mech. We'll be the frontline.

Dark Archive

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Ha! Yes!

Imitation is the greatest form of flattery! XD

Also, on page 40 it gives ideas of what kind of military company we are.

Option one, private military contractor, is the only one that I think might work the best. With a universe that promises to ask tough questions, I don't like the idea of us being house troops that are under orders. That really takes away our agency since there will be so much pressure to "just follow orders". As interesting a line as that might be once, for it to be a constantly hanging Sword of Damocles seems both confining and repetitive.

Also, if you're a houses troop, They can say "do it or we'll shoot -you-."

As a private contractor you have the option of saying. "You can't shoot me--you couldn't afford to pay the Breech of Contract clause." =)

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Let's get some money. I'm goin' to buy me a world somewhere and retire.

I'm looking to focus on tech-attacks and shutting mechs down.

Tama Nah'Kahn, Callsign: Cold Crush:

Background: Outlaw
Hack/Fix +2
Take Someone Out +2
Act Unseen/Unheard +2
Spot +2

Guerrilla: You may take the Boost action without losing Hidden, and whenever you Disengage attacks against you are made at +1 Difficulty until the end of your next turn.

Drone Commander: Your Drone systems gain +5 HP. As a protocol, you may move one Drone that you control and that is within Sensors up to 4 spaces.

Hacker: When you hit with a tech attack that consumes Lock On, your target must choose to either take 2 Heat or be pushed 3 spaces in a direction of your choice.

Stealth Hardsuit
Energy Lever Action Rifle [Medium Signature]
Explosive Magnum [Light Signature]
Handheld Printer
Personal Drone

Mech Skills:
H +0
A +1
S +1
E +0

Frame: GMS Everest (though I am interested at peeking at the GMS Sagarmatha)
Designation: Scamper
Main- Thermal Rifle
Flex Mount- Nexus (Light) x 2
Heavy- Anti-Materiel Rifle

Turrent Drones
Pattern-A Jericho Deployable Cover
Pattern-B Hex Charges

Are you still looking for players. I could whip up a character. I loved playing Mech Warriors.

Background: 1d20 ⇒ 20 as a Worker

Or can I just pick Mechanic as a background?

John Blackstar, callsign: TK423:

» TK423 «
John Blackstar
Mechanic, LL0
GRIT:0 // H:1 A:0 S:0 E:1
[ GEAR ]
HEAVY HARDSUIT, HEAVY SIGNATURE :cc_range: 10 :cc_damage_variable: 4
MEDIUM SIGNATURE :cc_range: 5 :cc_damage_variable: 2, HANDHELD PRINTER
Main Mount: MORTAR :cc_range: 15 :cc_aoe_blast: 1 :cc_damage_explosive: 1d6+1
Flex Mount: PISTOL :cc_range: 5 :cc_threat: 3 :cc_damage_kinetic: 1d3 / PISTOL :cc_range: 5 :cc_threat: 3 :cc_damage_kinetic: 1d3
Heavy Mount: HEAVY MACHINE GUN :cc_range: 8 :cc_damage_kinetic: 2d6+4

I think I did it right.

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Hey, friends. Change of plans.

With the earlier than expected release of No Room for a Wallflower and interest from more than enough players than I can take in a single group, I will be transitioning this into a more traditional recruitment. The game is still open for players to submit their characters, but we'll have a new place to do so with some accompanying information.

I will be posting a link to the recruitment thread soon, once I've finished the setting guide.

So, we're not doing the "learn the rules matchups" then? I'm probably not going to make the Noble background character I rolled up, since that was just for learning the rules. I'd rather choose my background than take a random one.

Atlas2112, I think the role of CQB is supposed to be expanded Overwatch range.

Lancer Player Rules wrote:

Unless specified otherwise, all weapons default to 1 THREAT.

The pistol and shotgun, for instance, have a threat range of 3, allowing you to use the Overwatch reaction at a longer distance. I don't think the idea is necessarily to use them as your main weapons, but to use them as auxiliary weapons.

EDIT: I think the purpose of the second tier Combined Arms talent is to allow you to use ranged weapons while Engaged, regardless of the kind of ranged weapon.

EDIT 2: Also, my learn the rules build was also a melee/skirmisher type.

Phntm888 wrote:
So, we're not doing the "learn the rules matchups" then? I'm probably not going to make the Noble background character I rolled up, since that was just for learning the rules. I'd rather choose my background than take a random one.

Correct. Rather than trying to run four different tables through an intro mission, I'll be recruiting a team of 3-5 players according to the parameters laid out in the recruiting thread. I'll then run those players through an intro mission, and allow them to tweak builds as necessary.

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CucumberTree wrote:

I know the campaign is set up to show that the Communist Union is Perfect. Perfection is a road, not a destination. Nothing perfect can exist in reality. Knowing this, and knowing history and human nature, It must be a façade.

I guess, I'm hoping that you allow cracks in the façade for my character to exploit and hurt the Union.


Blackmailing Union officials, might be a good place to start

No it isn't. The Third Committee is an experiment. It doesn't present itself as "perfect." It presents itself as "different from Second Committee, who were monsters." Third Committee-era Union doesn't have an ulterior motive and its leadership is genuine in its pursuit of First Committee's three pillars, but it's hardly perfect. Already, they are in a less-than-ideal compromise with the major mech manufacturers, including the very anthrochauvanist Harrison Armory, which does not even begin to describe what a raw deal their thing with the Karrakin Trade Baronies is. Already, they are juggling, like, three different ideas of what they want the future to look like and billions of people across the Orion Arm are dying while they struggle to find an answer. Already, they're trying to figure out what keeping track of a civilization the size of an appreciable portion of an entire galaxy will even look like. The logistics alone are orders of magnitude above what any person can even begin to conceptualize.

There are good, legitimate reasons to oppose Union. They loudly intervene into conflicts that aren't really any of their business. They take their marching orders from a giant moon computer that already spat out one handful of gods from one of its simulations and they still think keeping the damn thing on is a good idea. They are, even in their most benign form, the very kind of coercive hierarchy, the very kind of state, that communists want abolished (they're also the kind of state the socialists like Orwell warned about: those that use the aesthetics of socialist revolution without adopting anarchist praxis). Most of all, they're just too big. It is not possible to cleanly administrate a single civilization of that size. Something, somewhere, will eventually get lost or overlooked, probably with disastrous results. It takes, like, five minutes at most to look this up and come up with a more coherent reason to oppose them than "communism bad."

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Neurophage wrote:
It takes, like, five minutes at most to look this up and come up with a more coherent reason to oppose them than "communism bad."

Sounds like I hit a nerve.

Look, I was just looking for a fun angle to set my character against. No need to get snippy

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