Ecclesithurge Proficiencies

Rules Questions

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I find it odd that an ecclesitheurge cannot claim his / her deities favoured weapon as part of their weapon proficiencies.

Has this ever been asked or answered. If so, can I please get the answer.

It's someone's attempt at making a cleric who concentrates on spellcasting and doesn't crack skulls in melee. The armor & weapon proficiencies are as listed. Does this answer your implied question? There isn't an explicit question there.

Avr, I understand that the point was to concentrate on spellcasting. However, I would have thought that they would've gotten the favoured weapon. Was this missed in writing the archtype ?

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Given just how limited the Ecclesitheurge's weapon proficiencies are, I think the omission was deliberate. There are other cleric archetypes that do not gain proficiency with their deity's favored weapon, some quite explicitly (see the Separatist archetype, for example).

Yeah, this feels pretty deliberate to me. Not sure why you'd want a weapon anyway. The ecclesitheurge always has something to do without having to worry about weapons. Using Blessing of the Faithful on a combat ally would be better than plinking someone with a bow. Of course, most of the time you'll have even stronger spells to use instead.

At higher levels there is always a stronger option, but at 1st level, sometimes the bow is a better option.

Besides, I usually prefer my characters to have something other than harsh language to throw at an enemy that happens to be in my face.

Mokshai wrote:

At higher levels there is always a stronger option, but at 1st level, sometimes the bow is a better option.

Besides, I usually prefer my characters to have something other than harsh language to throw at an enemy that happens to be in my face.

Blessing of the faithful is that thing. And it can be done safely from the back row.

Yeah it seems pretty deliberate.

If you really want a weapon play a Half-Orc or an Elf or something.

Its something that can be worked with, but intelligent enemies may look for the soft squishy target in the back, and try to make them go away.

Non the less, thank you for the answers.

I've played an Ecclesitheurge in a temporary game (only level 2 so far).

I took the LOVE SUBDOMAIN (you'll have to scroll down), and I found it more than enough to keep my squishy caster alive. The Love subdomain wouldn't protect very well against a 4-armed gargoyle (for example), but by the time that's a problem you'll have other options available. For low level protection or for emergency defense it's pretty great.

If you're worried a out the weaknesses of a class put resources into shoring up those weaknesses.

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