A Posthuman Future


Scarab Sages

This week a proposed Posthuman Future setting for Starfinder.

If you could alter one thing about your body, what would you change?

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The expiration date

Scarab Sages

BigNorseWolf wrote:
The expiration date

I hear that.

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Funny thing, and its a little hidden in the age catagories, but that IS something thats addressed in starfinder.

The maximum age listed includes an element of randomness to reflect the capriciousness of death, and it is the assumption for the race’s longevity without magical or technological intervention—with the right life-extension technology, individuals of all races can become nearly immortal.

I have a Ysoki Biohacker named mom norveg who makes references to "The 60's " and is never very clear on whether its the 260s the 160s or just the 60s 60s ...or something else.

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I tend to assume that, while immortality is more or less readily available to pretty much anyone ( with varyingly expensive costs depending on the quality ), the demand is not as high in Starfinder as in the typical sci-fi setting. There is a known, scientifically verifiable afterlife, and not everyone wants to avoid it forever even if they could. I imagine there is a broad cultural idea of "living for eternity" of a sorts, where people who can prolong their lives, do so with an eye towards optimizing their afterlife rather than avoiding it.

I also imagine some rather terrifying actuarial tables, which calculate the average number of years lived until. . . no, not death. But until some form of soul damaging event less pleasant than simply dying. After all, the chance of being cornered by some soul-eating monstrousity, or getting enslaved by a fiend, or getting mind-warped by something so hard that your alignment ends up irreparably and radically changed from the trauma? Not zero.

Scarab Sages

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Abadarcorp almost certainly has actuary tables for souls. That sounds right up their alley.

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All of it. Total conversion with full control over every single system that would otherwise be autonomic. I want my electric heart to beat at the pace I set it to. I want to enter R.E.M. according to a tight schedule. I want to be able to play with synesthesia when I get bored.

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