The Assassins hit the Liberators...

Shackled City Adventure Path

...and knocked out two of them. Egad.

That trio of assassins, the Sorcerer, the Rogue/Cleric, and the Fighter, showed up with their buff spells aplently, the Sorcerer in a greater invisibility, and the silence effect going on and it was ugly.

Three lightning bolts and one power attack from the half-orc later, and both Gaspar (Fighter/Cleric/Radiant Servant of Pelor) and Gunther (Cleric of Kord) are down. Gavin (Fighter/Occult Slayer) is below half his hit points, Jayna (Rogue/Wizard/Arcane Trickster) has 3 hp remaining, and things are not looking bright for the group. Callis (Druid) managed to get to dire-bear form and then the tide turned, and Jayna popped off a 'see invisibility,' 'dispel magic,' and 'orb of acid' triple-play that knocked the Sorcerer out of commission, and the rest was clean up after that - the other two assassins did try to get away, but failed. Strangely, 'I-die-every-other-session' Crake (Rogue/Wizard/Thief-Acrobat) didn't get hurt at all.

So, even with six characters, that scene at the start of Chapter 7? Deadly.

I think that is a really good thing. The impact of the assassination attempt is definately lessened if there are no significant casualties or at least very close. Sounds like you have enough people left to bring the other back (perhaps) and then be moved enough to do everything they can to hunt down whoever was behind it.

Sean Mahoney

Liberty's Edge

This was a great scene in our campaign.

Our cleric had sworn that if anyone else in the group fell, that meant he was already dead, and thanks to close wounds until this moment that had been true, though the cleric died fighting aushanna earlier he bought the rest of the group time to flee to safety.

How the scene played out was that the assassins waited for the group to mostly split up, leaving the parties warmage and cleric leaving the morkoth while the teams rogue was upstairs in one of the rooms and their fighter was back at HQ.

Stepping past the alley the warmage was suddenly hit by a blow from the cleric, the fighter(with sneak attack), and a scorching ray, dropping him quite instantly.

The cleric, obviously shocked at this went to call out close wounds as an immediate to hope that it would be enough to save his friend(he would have had to roll max to bring him to -9) and suddenly found that he couldn't speak thanks to the use of a silence spell cast on the area.

After falling back out of the silence area and calling for help the cleric was able to wound the foes before collapsing into unconsciousness, and the rogue brought some allies running and was able to kill two and drive the third away.

It was one of the groups tougher battles just because the enemies planned it so they had the complete upper hand initially, but it was quite memorable too. The warmage certainly took to being more cautious after being dropped in a surprise round.

It turned out to be quite the walkover for my party, although there was one civilian casualty. I have to admit that the dice rolled nicely for the PCs in this battle though.

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