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Getting to level up to 7th and I am not sure where to take him next. I have him built as an (enlarged) two handed warrior that can punch and kick if they get past the poleweapon using Bloodrager and Brawler. Other than taking another level in Bloodrager to get Improved Uncanny Dodge, they do not have much to offer the build.
I am looking to Full BAB classes like a Ranger but the weapon styles they have are not really floating my boat. I was thinking a marine type as the last adventure had ship board combat. He is a follower of Gorum so something along those lines also works. Any suggestions?
Male Nagaji Bloodrager 4 / Brawler 2
CN Medium humanoid (reptilian)
Init +3; Senses Low-Light Vision, Perception +12,
AC 19, touch 11, flat-footed 19 (+7 armor, +1 Dex, +1 natural), Combat Expertise
hp 56 (4d10)+(2d10)+16
Fort +10, Ref +6, Will +3, +2 bonus vs. spells cast by himself or allies
Defensive Abilities Uncanny Dodge,
Speed 30 ft., Fast Movement
Melee glaive +1 (two handed) +12/+7 ((two handed) 1d10+8/x3) S
Melee Admantine Bec de Corbin +1 (two handed) +12/+7 ((two handed) 1d10+8/x3) B/P
Melee brawler's flurry +9/+9/+4 (1d6+5)
Special Attacks Brawler's Flurry, Staggering Strike,
Known Bloodrager Spells (CL 4th, concentration +5):
1st (2/day) - enlarge person (DC 12) , shield (DC )
Str 21, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 13
Base Atk +6; CMB +11; CMD 22
Feats Combat Expertise, Eschew Materials, Furious Focus, Improved Unarmed Strike, Phalanx Formation, Power Attack
Skills Acrobatics +7, Appraise -1, Bluff +1, Climb +6, Diplomacy +1, Disguise +1, Escape Artist -2, Heal +1, Intimidate +5, Perception +12, Perform (Oratory) +7, Sense Motive +1, Stealth -2, Survival +5, Swim +6,
Languages Common, Draconic
SQ Aberrant Bloodline, Abnormal Reach, Armored Scales, Blood Casting, Bloodrage, Blood Sanctuary, Bonus Feats, Brawler's Cunning, Fast Movement, Low-Light Vision, Martial Flexibility, Martial Training, Resistant, Serpent's Sense, Weapon and Armor Proficiency.

Wonderstell |

Two levels of High Guardian fighter so that you get Str-based Combat Reflexes, then either stay in Fighter until Weapon Training or take the Martial Focus feat to qualify for Cut from the Air and Smash from the Air.
Then you'll get nine AoOs per round when raging and enlarged, which you can use when enemies provoke from movement or to negate ranged attacks at yourself or nearby allies. Projectiles and magic, too.
If you find that allies get in the way when you enlarge yourself, take Friendly Switch as your 7th level feat.
I'd retrain if that is available. Your first bloodline power is better to replace with a Bloodline Familiar for the stat boost and potential HP boost if you choose the Protector archetype for it. I also have reservations about your Brawler Dip.

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High Guardian looks like a real good option since dex gets tanked when I enlarge. Is there a feat or such that allows you to use Str rather than Dex for improved grapple?
I like the Aberrant Bloodline for the extra reach and find it comes in handy when raging(PFS build).
On the Brawler suggestion, the unarmed damage is a back up and really only came into play once so far when I got jumped by an octopus. Three attacks at d6+11 damage each took the fight out of it pretty quickly.
As for trading BAB for saves, I am considering that as an option. Only down side is with a 12 wisdom and 13 charisma, there are not may options, even if he will be retired at 12th level. A Phantom Blade (Spiritualist) maybe?

Wonderstell |

High Guardian looks like a real good option since dex gets tanked when I enlarge. Is there a feat or such that allows you to use Str rather than Dex for improved grapple?
Dirty Fighting. It can also be used in place of Combat Expertise to qualify for maneuver feats.
I like the Aberrant Bloodline for the extra reach and find it comes in handy when raging(PFS build).
Yup, a good choice. And Bloodline Familiars are also PFS legal which is why it's a good choice to replace your first Bloodline Power for one.
As for trading BAB for saves, I am considering that as an option. Only down side is with a 12 wisdom and 13 charisma, there are not may options, even if he will be retired at 12th level. A Phantom Blade (Spiritualist) maybe?
I'd rather take another Spiritualist archetype that doesn't trade away Shared Consciousness. A Dedication phantom would give you Iron Will as a bonus feat, in addition to the +2 Will from a good saving throw, and the +4 bonus vs Mind-affecting from Shared Consciousness.
So +4 to all Will saving throws, and another +4 vs Mind-Affecting (which is the most common).

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Medium has good Will saves, and you are only 1pt of Charisma away from getting 4th level Medium spells... 13 levels later... but you obviously aren't in it for the spells.
Champion Spirit is quasi-full BAB, I believe.
That is an option, however, if I do take a 3/4 BAB class, I was thinking of something with some healing just in case, which the ranger would do without the BAB loss. Ultimate Intrigue does offer the Menacing Combat Style, which fits him better. (Intimidating Prowess comes to mind)
Dirty Fighting. It can also be used in place of Combat Expertise to qualify for maneuver feats.
Since I have Combat Expertise already, I was thinking of putting a point into dex at 8th so I have the option for Improved grapple.
Yup, a good choice. And Bloodline Familiars are also PFS legal which is why it's a good choice to replace your first Bloodline Power for one.
Tempting but since I do not have any familiars for my characters, I do not plan on getting the book just for one feat.
As for trading BAB for saves, I am considering that as an option. Only down side is with a 12 wisdom and 13 charisma, there are not may options, even if he will be retired at 12th level. A Phantom Blade (Spiritualist) maybe?
I'd rather take another Spiritualist archetype that doesn't trade away Shared Consciousness. A Dedication phantom would give you Iron Will as a bonus feat, in addition to the +2 Will from a good saving throw, and the +4 bonus vs Mind-affecting from Shared Consciousness.
So +4 to all Will saving throws, and another +4 vs Mind-Affecting (which is the most common).
Something to look into, just not sure about giving up BAB. but I agree, his Will sucks.

MrCharisma |

I'm currently playing an 11th level Aberrant Bloodrager (well mostly Bloodrager).
Bloodrager-9 (Primalist): I took Strength Surge and Quick Reflexes at level 8)
Oracle 1 (Dual-cursed) with Lame and Posessed curses. Posessed was for flavour, the Lame curse makes me immune to fatigue. Dual-Cursed gives me Misfortune which is ... Amazing!
Brawler 1 - Martial Flexibility and Improved Unarmed Strike.
That's where I am at the moment, I plan on taking Unbreakable Fighter at level 13 and taking the Stalwart feat, then taking Improved Stalwart at level 15. Level 15 will also be Bloodrager-12, so I'll get more Rage Powers - the power-game choices would be Come-And-Get-Me and Reckless Abandon (combined with Combat Expertise this would let me take -4 to AC for +8 DR/-).
Just a thought if you wanna keep going with Bloodrager.

dr. kekyll |

Wonderstell wrote:Dirty Fighting. It can also be used in place of Combat Expertise to qualify for maneuver feats.Since I have Combat Expertise already, I was thinking of putting a point into dex at 8th so I have the option for Improved grapple.
Depending on your circumstances, it might be worth retraining Combat Expertise to Dirty Fighting. It's generally a better feat unless you really want to maximize your AC. It lets you take advantage of flanking to perform combat maneuvers without provoking, and, if you have the relevant improved combat maneuver feat, flanking becomes a +4 bonus instead of +2. Considering how high monster CMDs can get, anything helps.

MrCharisma |

My Bloodrager has Combat Expertise. I'm the only front-liner, so maximizing my own survovability is sometomes the number 1 priority. Later on it wil synergize with Stalwart (to give me DR instead of AC). Crane Styl3 wouod be better for this, but costs more feats.
I will say that Dorty Fighting is almost always the better choice. Unless you have something specific in mind I'd pick Dirty Fighting every time, but there are circumstances where Combat Expertise is more useful.
For Combat Maneuvers I use Strength Surge (currently +9)

MrCharisma |

Wonderstell wrote:Is that the little known sequel to Dorty Dancing?Derklord wrote:I like "Dorty Fighting".Me too. I've heard from a trusted source that it is almost always the better choice.
No, Dor'ty helped da Scarcrow, da Tin-Man an' da Lion by fightin' da Wicked Witch o' da West.