Show off your VTT tokens!

Pathfinder Second Edition General Discussion

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

A great many of us are participating in virtual tabletop (VTT) games this past year and will likely continue to do so well into the next year. As such, we've had to create character digital tokens for our PCs, NPCs, and monsters.

Some people make them from scratch in art programs, others from established templates, while still others use a variety of online and offline tools for making their tokens.

Some are plain, practical tokens, while others are elaborate works of art meant to make an impression. Some use art from the internet, while others use custom commissions or personal creations.

Regardless of where you fall, whether your tokens are round, square, borderless, or something else entirely, we want to see them! Show us your work!

I'll start.

These are the tokens I created for my new Extinction Curse players:

Aegrin Gravekin, duskwalker lizardfolk spirit barbarian

Biltix,fey-touched gnome shadow sorcerer

Ghorash the Fanged, hold-scarred orc wolf stance monk

Kabok, elfbane hobgoblin ferver witch

Zugzug, Kabok's thieving magpie familiar

Liberty's Edge

Wow. They are all extremely beautiful. RD, are these your creations?

I like how you broke the border on the tokens to give some depth. Well done!

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
The Raven Black wrote:
Wow. They are all extremely beautiful. RD, are these your creations?

Yes and no.

A friend provided me with a nice border template Photoshop file to use as a base. None of the artwork in the tokens is mine; all were found online by me or my players.

I modified the border color, then used simple Photoshop masking and layering techniques to make the characters look like they were popping out of their frames.

RexAliquid wrote:
I like how you broke the border on the tokens to give some depth. Well done!

Thanks! I'm glad you like them.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I actually draw the tokens for our players, and we use borders and images like that for all the NPCs. It makes the players look unique and fun(and maybe a little poorly drawn, but who cares) compared to the NPCS.

Like this Kitsune Witch for a campaign we start in March

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

My AoA party! We tend to prefer full images vs the circle tokens, but here you go:

Viletta Bloodbane, Half-Elf Dragon Barbarian MC Wizard
Loralee Silver, Elf Redeemer of Gozreh MC Angelic Sorcerer
Hadrim Hammerthrower, Dwarf Cleric of Erastil & Folgrit MC Rogue
Nozgrim Olim, Dwarf Fighter Hellknight
Artus "Thatch" Hewett, Human Ranger (Bird Animal Companion)

Horizon Hunters

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Drew these guys for our tokens:

Picture of the whole gang

Dark Archive

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Here is my Half-Orc Fighter/Barbarian Bhelroth from the Extinction Curse game I am playing in!

Bhelroth the Demonsbane.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

A small, representative sample from my current Extinction Curse game. Most of the art is official Paizo, although I do the borders, background, and layout myself. The two that are obviously NOT Paizo art are by Trash Mob Minis, who tends to do very cartoony stuff that I'm rather fond of.

A small skirmish, I guess? Totally staged, to be honest.

I originally went with solid black borders, but with the introduction of the Xulgath, I wanted something more thematic. So, Xulgath and their dinosaurs get the silly bone borders. Once I did that, it started me on "well, what should other people's token borders look like?" And somehow I got two-color rings for circus folks.

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