Matsu Kurisu |
Choose a type of boon. For the Rest of the Adventure Path, when you rebuild your deck, keep an additional boon of that type. Each scenario, before drawing your hand, search your deck and set aside 1 boon of the type until the end of the scenario.
So is the idea of this is you basically have a 1 card side board that you can swap in or out depending on the scenario?
Have people actually been using this and can you share examples of the kind of cards you think would be worth using in the side board? I am scratching my head to work out how to use this.Whipstitch |
I'm tending to use it as a way to add healing if I think it's indicated for a particular scenario. My caster has a Cure spell to swap in (though later on, I may choose a different utility spell). My martial character has an elixir of healing and thieves tools to juggle. I can decide going into a scenario whether I think extra healing is needed and weigh how many barriers there are. I could see people selecting alchemical items that help with certain checks. You may not want them in your deck most of the time, but for certain scenarios, they can save the day. My ranger who hasn't completed Adventure 2 could pick weapon and swap in something-bane weapons for certain scenarios.
Since Adventure 3 was just released, I doubt many people have actually used it yet, but I appreciate a new mechanic to play with.
Hawkmoon269 |
I haven't used it yet, but the situation that immediately came to mind for me was all the times I'd played a caster and taken one of the "movement" cards and we'd play a scenario with only 1 location or that didn't allow movement or a siege scenario where movement wasn't very valuable. I'd have gladly swapped that movement spell out for something else during those scenarios.
zeroth_hour |
Some more ideas:
Powerful Mental spells to swap out for if there's an Undead heavy scenario (eg Dominate). Poison too but I don't think there are Poison effects nearly as powerful
Things like Sagacity/Strength if your group isn't stable in terms of members for support
Utility weapons for low monster scenarios (rare)
Things like Net of Snaring (evade a monster of X difficulty or lower) as a villain scout in certain scenarios
Soothing Word/other scourge removers for scourge heavy scenarios
Wild/Urban specific stuff
Zalarian |
My goblin and her awful charisma added Elixir of Love. Some scenarios need a diplomacy check to close and that is one thing she couldn't do easily without drawing her gem..since it is a VTT character I didn't bother putting in the extra card and just left elixir of healing. If I wanted to swap it out I simply did that at the table before playing.