Did anyone publish simple class templates for the psionic classes?

Advice and Rules Questions

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Simple class templates are one of my favorite ways of advancing monsters, to the point where I use them more often than adding class levels to creatures.

While Paizo only covered the eleven Core classes in their initial offering, Rogue Genius Games filled in the gaps with their Genius Guide to Simple Class Templates for Monsters and Genius Guide to MORE Simple Class Templates for Monsters, which between them covered all of the remaining Paizo PC classes (save only for the shifter).

Now, beyond that simple class templates tend to be vanishingly rare, despite how many third-party classes are out there. What I'm wondering is if anyone put out simple class templates for the psionic classes from Dreamscarred Press; the library of DSP books would be the obvious place to look, but so far I haven't found any among their products (though it's entirely possible I missed something; if so, someone please enlighten me!).

Has anyone put out simple class templates for the psionic classes?

Don't know of any off the top of my head... but would it be possible to use something like a Psychic simple class template for a Psion, substituting powers for psychic spells?

PS. There's also the The Genius Guide to the Talented Bestiary but I don't recall seeing any psionic stuff there.

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