Unchaimed rogue weapon finesse

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

The Exchange

Un like others dex to damage feats unchained rogue's finesse training does not state you.have to have an open hand in order to use it. Does this mean if I take a light weapon like dagger, kurik or Drow razor I can use two and get dex on primary and .5 dex on off hand?

Draknafiend wrote:
Un like others dex to damage feats unchained rogue's finesse training does not state you.have to have an open hand in order to use it. Does this mean if I take a light weapon like dagger, kurik or Drow razor I can use two and get dex on primary and .5 dex on off hand?


You can also get 1.5 on a two handed some weapon like spiked chain or elven curve blade.

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