RIFTS using Pathfinder 1e?

Product Discussion

I've been a longtime fan of the Rifts campaign system, but the game mechanics, not so much. Now that we have a complete closed system for Pathfinder, I am intrigued by the idea of using Pathfinder for RIFTS. I know we have the Technology Guide and can bascially use everything from Iron Gods for it, but I am interested to hear if there are other third party sources that people think might be useful.

I have the Starjammer PF1 system along with Broken Earth and a couple of tech guides, but I can't think of anything that might help cover mechs.

Please throw some suggestions my way as to any sourcebook that might prove useful in such a campaign, especially something to help with mechs!

Thanks in advance.

I've tried this multiple times. There is something about the Palladium system, with all it's haphazard wonkiness that just fits into the haphazard wonkiness that is RIFTS.

But if you just must, get the Big Eyes Small Mouth mecha D20 book. It'll handle everything you need for a conversion to Pathfinder.

First I've heard of it. Thanks for the suggestion!

I think the biggest reason it didn't work for me, is the loss of active defenses (Hit vs Parry/Dodge), there is quite a bit that goes into that combat system stemming from that and its a little bit of a bugbear to figure it all out.

Eventually I just dropped AC, gave everyone a active defense like Opportune Parry and let it go, but it still didn't feel like RIFTS to me.

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Dragonstar D20 is one that I like. Vehicle rules and guns. Same for Star Wars Revised. A little modification may be necessary. The Aethera Campaign Setting has tech in it. Starfinder has computers.

PFRPGrognard wrote:

I've been a longtime fan of the Rifts campaign system, but the game mechanics, not so much. Now that we have a complete closed system for Pathfinder, I am intrigued by the idea of using Pathfinder for RIFTS. I know we have the Technology Guide and can bascially use everything from Iron Gods for it, but I am interested to hear if there are other third party sources that people think might be useful.

I have the Starjammer PF1 system along with Broken Earth and a couple of tech guides, but I can't think of anything that might help cover mechs.

Please throw some suggestions my way as to any sourcebook that might prove useful in such a campaign, especially something to help with mechs!

Thanks in advance.

Without going too far off the deep end, Savage Worlds is doing Rifts now as well.

You know, I am very much considering just diving into the Savage Worlds version, but that means I have to buy a ton of books apparently.

I'm going to make the Pathfinder Conversion work. I've looked at the Savage Worlds books, but that would mean several hundred dollars of investments before I could get it off the ground.

I might not be able to do things like Mechs and the like, but I think we can rebuild most things with options available in Pathfinder. Races can be rebuilt and classes can find an Expy. I could possibly build a class if there was something someone was dying to do, but unless they were die-hard RIFTS players thirty years ago, I don't think anyone is going to know the difference.

When I played Palladium games it was an unbearable grind. I read the books more than I ever played.

Looks like there are mech rules in GONZO.

one of the harder aspects to convert is that in RIFTS (or Palladium in general) EVERYTHING is front-loaded, and that messes with the CR system something fierce.

you have to acknowledge off the get go, that nothing is going to be balanced, which makes the PF system break out in a greasy cold sweat.

That is a very good point. I am considering ways to handle it. I'll open the floor to the group as to the type of campaign they want to play, IE: mechs, vehicles, or vampires & cyborgs for example. Then we'll balance the group within itself first and foremost.

Fortunately, I've run enough Mythic Adventures, that I am pretty good at figuring out how to balance encounters for the group.

For the PF1e mechs, mebbe something like Play Manga D20 from D20pfsrd.com or Arcforge: Technology Expanded from Legendary Games do the trick? ;)

that was my issue, when you balanced it, it didn't feel like RIFTS anymore. Where else you gonna have a hobo with a laser pen knife and an intergalactic sentient suit of holy armor that can choke out a dragon one-handed (giggidy) in the same party?

I think really all you probably want to really do is clean up the system, especially the mess that are the skills. Easy enough to strip out the Palladium junk and just use say D20 Modern Future. Keep the OCCs, keep the crazy stats and damage, keep combat (mostly), just strip out the skill and godawful save system

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And wouldn't ya know, seems like Bundle of Holding is doing some Savage Rifts stuff for a good cause. ;)

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Good cause is good!

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yukongil wrote:
I think really all you probably want to really do is clean up the system, especially the mess that are the skills. Easy enough to strip out the Palladium junk and just use say D20 Modern Future. Keep the OCCs, keep the crazy stats and damage, keep combat (mostly), just strip out the skill and godawful save system

All good suggestions. Thank you.

Here's where I am:

I allowed ALL third party Pathfinder products to help convert OCC/RCC themes. We are using RIFTS as themes and then building directly in Pathfinder. There is NO conversion, so Kevin doesn't show up to sue me for running a game for five people online.

Automatic Bonus Progression from Pathfinder Unchained will replace the dependency on minor magic items.

The Pathfinder Technology Guide is the baseline for tech.

Sources like Ultimate Psionics offer all the needed psionic options.

I've picked up the BESMd20 Stingy Gamer's Edition along with their vehicle books for a starting point in using mechs, vehicles, etc.

Military Scale Weapons and Military Scale Magic offer ways to present MDC in PF. The players unanimously decided to avoid MDC in Pathfinder, so we will not use those options. It would be more Rifts-like, but they don't like the idea of being vaporized at first level and having to start all over!

Modern Path 2.0 and Anachronistic Adventures offer plenty of options for using more modern classes, otherwise, players may choose any class they wish to build their OCC theme.

Arcforge Technology Expanded offers the Helmsman class for anyone that wants to start with a mech. So far, the group has decided to be a bit smaller and more SDC focused.

In the Company of Dragons from Rite Publishing is available for anyone that wants to make a dragon PC.

D20 Modern Critical Locations and Dungeon Magazine offer a lot of battle maps for modern locations like police stations, McDonald's, etc.

The Starjammer Campaign Setting details more space rules, ships, and a few more tech options.

And finally, the Heavy Grimoire, Technology Unleashed, and Techno-Magic Unleashed offer more modern options, tech, and magic.

And believe it or not, but I am converting the classic Slavepits of the Undercity to the Rifts setting

and replacing the Aspis with Xiticix hive beneath the temple.

And that's all.

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And now, when you search for "converting Rifts to Pathfinder", I have done a chunk of work for you.

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the part about Kevin is pretty funny!

anywho, you said you're not doing MDC, which I think is a good idea in general...even in RIFTS. How are you scaling damage though from weapons? Like will a Glitterboy still do 3d6x10?

This was always one of my bigger problems, in that if you scaled the damage to character level, suddenly people could theoretically survive a tank cannon just by merit of their own hit points. If you don't scale it however, since DnD's AC is avoidance and not ablative, as you said, you'll be rolling up new characters every session.

So it became changing DnD's AC system to something like Palladium's, which at that point, just stick with Pally.

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Yeah, apparently, KS has a history of literally suing players for trying to convert his system into D20.

As for the weapons, It's all based on the technology guide or Starjammer or the others. For example, in Pathfinder the Tech guide has a Rail Gun which is what the Glitter Boys would have. It's listed as 3d10.

Rail Gun.

If a PC were to want to play a Glitter Boy, which hasn't happened yet, I would advise them to build their gun or armor through the character class options. I have allowed for an all-purpose Rifts Campaign Trait for players to use to gain a feature or item from their chosen OCC that would not otherwise be covered by their Pathfinder build.

A Glitter Boy player could use a Patron's resources (from Starjammer) as a starting Rail Gun as opposed to a starting vehicle. He could then use two trait slots for a Rifts Campaign Trait to apply Military Scale Weapon damage to his rail gun. A rail gun with Military Scale Weapon modifier then does x5 damage vs non-military scale defenses.

Which would be pretty OP, which would be pretty Rifts. But like I said, they didn't want to get vaporized, so we're not using Military Scale options at all.

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PFRPGrognard wrote:

Yeah, apparently, KS has a history of literally suing players for trying to convert his system into D20.

oh yes, I'm pretty active on the Palladium site, and stories abound of the infamous C&D letters

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posted this elsewhere before, but the now-defunct RPG company, Skorched 'Urf Studios, has 2 PDF's to emulate Mega- damage in OGL/Pathfinder-based games, titled "Military Scale Weapons" and "Military Scale Magic". Get them where ya buy pdf's, but the two pdf's are about as close as doing MDC in OGL as you can get. You can use the MS Magic pdf for psi, like the Pathfinder 3PP stuff.

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