Golarion coming to Savage Worlds

Other RPGs

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I just saw mention of a very interesting development: Pinnacle Entertainment announced that they will be launching a Kickstarter in January for an official conversion of the "Rise of the Runelords" adventure path to the Savage Worlds RPG.

Pinnicle Entertainment: Pathfinder for Savage Worlds

I think this is pretty cool! To be honest, I'm not the biggest fan of Savage Worlds as an RPG, but I think it's really interesting to see Paizo licensing its IP to other companies for use in other game systems.

I, for one, would like to see a conversion of the "War for the Crown" AP for Green Ronin's Blue Rose RPG. With its focus on interpersonal relationships and political intrigue, I think Blue Rose as a game system would be a much better fit for the core storyline than Pathfinder.

There's a free preview of the Savage Worlds PF Paladin now available. ;)

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I can't wait personally!

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Just got my core book pdf - so far it looks very good!

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GRuzom wrote:
Just got my core book pdf - so far it looks very good!

It is great! I'm stoked!

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I wasn't initially blown away, but on further reading I am really impressed. Most of the new Class packages look like they will be really fun to play - and the Prestige edges... just WOW! The bestiary is also pretty formidable and will be a massive boon to any fantasy RPG, whether it's set in Golarion or any other fantasy RPG setting (coughWorldsGreatestRpgcough).

My IRL gaming group is committed to D&D5e until early 2022, but I'm considering trying a solo playtest of another AP using the PF4SW rules.

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Some additional fantasy races for Savage Worlds, loosely based on the PF Advanced Races Guide;

Charismatic edge
Low Light Vision
Halo (character gains A/B: Gifted and the Light power)
Racial Enemy: Demons & Devils
Vow: oppose evil, however it manifests

Attractive edge
Undead traits (+2 Toughness, +2 Spirit rolls to recover from being Shaken, ignore additional damage from Called Shots, ignore 1 point of Wound penalties, dont breathe or eat, immune to disease & poison, don't Bleed Out, can only be healed by magical healing)
Dependency: Blood
Environmental Weakness: Daylight

Agile (d6 starting Agility)
Low Light Vision
Poison Use (character gains A/B: Gifted and the Smite power, with poison trapping)
Light Blindness (character is blinded [-2 all actions requiring sight] until they make a successful Vigour roll to recover)
Outsider hindrance

Low Light Vision
Shadow Blending (character starts with A/B: Gifted and the Deflection power)
Outsider hindrance

Weak (-1 Strength rolls)
Small (-1 Size & Toughness)
Reduced Pace (-1 Pace, running d4)
Low Light Vision
Dodge edge
Natural Illusionist (character gains A/B: Gifted and the Illusion power)

Weak (-1 Strength rolls)
Agile (d6 starting Agility)
Natural Weapons [Bite]: Strength + d4
Small (-1 Size & Toughness)
Outsider hindrance
Sneaky (d6 starting Stealth)

Impulsive hindrance
Fire Affinity (character gains A/B: Gifted and the Elemental Manipulation power, with fire trapping)
Environmental Resistance: Fire

Small (-1 Size & Toughness)
Weak (-1 Strength rolls)
Natural Armour: AV2
Calculating edge

Orc/Half Orc
Strong (d6 starting Strength)
Menacing edge
Bloodthirsty hindrance
Outsider hindrance

Strong (d6 starting Strength)
Stoic (d6 starting Vigour)
Reduced Pace (-3 Pace, running d4, -2 Athletics)
Low Light Vision
Earth Affinity (character gains A/B: Gifted and the Elemental Manipulation power, with earth trapping)
Poor Parry (-1 Parry)

Weak (-1 Strength rolls)
Agile (d6 starting Agility)
Small (-1 Size & Toughness)
Reduced Pace (-1 Pace, running d4)
Rodent Empathy (character gains A/B: Gifted and the Beast Friend power, with rodent only trapping)

Anemic hindrance
Low Light Vision
Air Affinity (character gains A/B: Gifted and the Elemental Manipulation power, with air trapping)

Linguist edge
Natural Weapons [Beak]: Strength + d4
Sneaky (d6 starting Stealth)
Greedy hindrance

Outsider hindrance
Low Light Vision
Fiendish Sorcery (character gains A/B: Gifted and the Darkness power)

Low Light Vision
Water Affinity (character gains A/B: Gifted and the Elemental Manipulation power, with water trapping)
Energy Resistance: Cold
Hesitant hindrance

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Pinnacle have just launched booster campaign for their Pathfinder for Savage Worlds Kickstarter, including the Advanced Players Guide, new archetypes and the Curse of tbe Crimson Throne AP converted in its entirety.

Kickstarter link


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As much as I love Starfinder and Pathfinder 2E sepcially the depth of options, I'm really impressed with the simplicity of the Savage Worlds' core rules. What I'm really curious to see is how/if years from now Pathfinder for Savage Worlds might have an influence on Paizo's developer.

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