Crossblooded Sorcerer + Blood Havoc

Rules Questions


-bloodlines: Orc/Draconic(Fire).

At level 7 we take blood mutation (blood havoc) instead of the level seven feat.
(and of course, have or plan to take spell focus evocation.)

This will provide a total of +3 damage per damage die on evocation fire spells.

My personal concern is that the Blood Havoc mutation could not be taken with Crossblooded Sorcerer.

Full disclosure I'm fairly certain you can, though it still sounds to good to be true.
I am remaking this post as it's own topic thread to make it easier to search for the answer in the future. I would still like anyone who can provide support for this build to do so.

Thank you for your time.

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All the bloodline mutation rules say on the topic of replacing bloodline feats is this:
"Alternatively, a bloodrager or sorcerer can select a bloodline mutation in place of a bloodline bonus feat, provided her class level is at least equal to the level of the bloodline ability the mutation normally replaces." MaTT pg. 10

Unlike the rules for the option of replacing a bloodline power, there is no mention of bloodline feats altered by an archetype being forbidden. Therefore, any bloodline feat, altered or not, can be replaced by a bloodline mutation.

Derklord wrote:

All the bloodline mutation rules say on the topic of replacing bloodline feats is this:

"Alternatively, a bloodrager or sorcerer can select a bloodline mutation in place of a bloodline bonus feat, provided her class level is at least equal to the level of the bloodline ability the mutation normally replaces." MaTT pg. 10

Unlike the rules for the option of replacing a bloodline power, there is no mention of bloodline feats altered by an archetype being forbidden. Therefore, any bloodline feat, altered or not, can be replaced by a bloodline mutation.

The rules you refer to do not specify "Bloodline Powers"

Here is a quote from the FAQ regarding Crossblooded+wildblooded

"archetype rules say none of the alternate class features can replace or alter the same class feature from the class as another alternate class feature."

The key word being Feature. Not power, or feat. Class feature. Having said that I have looked into it and cannot find a way in which the feat selection is altered. Outside of the fact that it lets you select from two bloodlines. If that alone counts as the Class Feature being altered I am unsure.

Regarding Blood mutations: "cannot swap a bloodline power that she has altered or replaced with an archetype for a bloodline mutation."

It goes on to say "Alternatively, a bloodrager or sorcerer can select a bloodline mutation in place of a bloodline bonus feat, provided her class level is at least equal to the level of the bloodline ability the mutation normally replaces."

The second quote only shows that you can select a feat instead of a power. Nothing implies the alternative is immune to the rules on swapping with altered/replaced features.

Please prove me wrong.

they specified you can't do it with power because its not an archetype and they didn't want you to be able to do it.

they didn't mention in the next paragraph so you can't take it in place of a feat. this is just how paizo rules are written. they tell you what you can do, unless they call out you can't do something then you can do it. they say you can't take it in place of a power, power =/= feat and they do not say you can't take it in place a feat, ergo you can take a bloodline mutation in place of a feat even with crossblooded because they don't say you can't.

Bloodline Mutations are not an archetype. They're something completely different, with seperate rules.

Derklord wrote:
Bloodline Mutations are not an archetype. They're something completely different, with seperate rules.

And those rules state they can't interact with features that are altered or replaced.

Clearly I'm not going to make any headway with that so I'll leave it alone for the time.

Derklord is right.

Dereklord is correct.

Derklord is not wrong.

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