Grappling and Swift / Immediate action Spells

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

I now that Immediate and swift action spells do not provoke attacks of opportunity, but can you cast these spells while grappling without having to make a concentration check?

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You must make a check to cast while grappled. Nothing in the swift or immediate action casting says you are exempt from checks

Normally, when someone is grappling you, they have the Grappled Condition themselves, and they can't make Attacks of Opportunity anyway. That Concentration Check has nothing to do with AoOs.

+1 on what Cavall said.

The two rules do not stem from the same ideas being modelled.

The idea behind AoO against someone casting is that the spellcaster's defenses are lowered while she is performing the required gestures and changing and having the mental concentration necessary to funnel the magical energies.

Spells cast as Swift Actions have all these gestures and concentration last so little time that there is no opening to be exploited by an opponent.

Being grappled prevents one from performing the gestures and changing and concentrating with the usual relative ease therefore a Concentration check is required.

Thanks for the update!

I meant *chanting in my message above, not changing.

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