Unable to place order.

Customer Service

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I have spent fifteen minutes of my morning trying to purchase the Advanced players guide PDF from the Paizo web store. I have in the past purchased some products from the Paizo web store, such as Starfinder Core Rulebook PDF, Pathfinder Core Rulebook PD, attack of the swarm part 1 & 2.

I have checked my account balance on my bank which is in order, my billing address is correct, but, when I place an order, I get no e-mail confirmation sent my way and the site just quickly "refreshes" as I press "place order."

Is there some issue going on with the web store or am I doing something wrong here? Please help me!

Sincere regards, your loyal customer Marco.

This same issue is happening to me.

I can't place an order either. I have tried multiple time with dif payment methods but still can't place an order!

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Oh and I never get a response from Paizo!

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Same thing here. Made a thread last week that hasn't had a response. I've tried multiple browsers, incognito on Chrome, my phone, and nothing works.

Customer Service Representative

Hi folks,

We are currently investigating each of your carts and attempted orders. Once I have more information on what might be affecting your specific orders, I will reply to each of you individually. Thank you for your patience!

Customer Service Representative

As an update, our tech team is still investigating this issue and I apologize that we haven't been able to fix this for you yet. In the interim, you can send an email to customer[dot]service[at]paizo[dot]com detailing the items you'd like in your order, and shipping address and I would be happy to manually process the order for you. You can set your default payment method via your account settings.

Thank you all again for your patience!

Just want to mention that I have the same problem with ordering pdfs over the online store. Happy to wait, though, and thanks for keeping us updated.

Is there an update to this issue? Still unable to order the same three pdfs as before. Thanks!

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Rhuarc wrote:
Just want to mention that I have the same problem with ordering pdfs over the online store. Happy to wait, though, and thanks for keeping us updated.

Hello dude!

I managed to fix the whole issue, I needed to remove said item from my cart and add it again. I think there was some website-related issue?

Marco.Fallermo wrote:
Rhuarc wrote:
Just want to mention that I have the same problem with ordering pdfs over the online store. Happy to wait, though, and thanks for keeping us updated.

Hello dude!

I managed to fix the whole issue, I needed to remove said item from my cart and add it again. I think there was some website-related issue?

Can confirm, removing items from cart then re-adding them cleared the issue for me.

I deleted everything and redid the order and it worked for me too.

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