Maxiavelli's page

Organized Play Member. 4 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 3 Organized Play characters.


I deleted everything and redid the order and it worked for me too.

I am also having this issue.

I am Dm'ing and one of my players is wanting to make a cleric of Gorum but wanted to use the Glory sub-domain of Heroism. I looked and heroism is not available. after reading them I am confused by this, Glory's 8th level power is sanctuary and Heroism's is Heroism. Heroism seems more appropriate to a Cleric of Gorum than sanctuary am I wrong? Does anyone one know the reason for this? I'm house ruling regardless. but wanted to hear others thought about it.

I was looking in one of the pathfinder books awhile ago and saw a magical cookbook. It gave recipes for the ingredients you had and did heroes feast once a day or something.Unfortunately i have forgotten what book I saw it in, does anyone know what book it was in?