
Magus Class

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I get that this is a class because they wanted 2 classes for the book and it was a full class in 1e, but why isn't this just an archetype? It's just a melee version of the Eldritch Archer archetype. I was pretty excited for it when it was announced, but this is just bleh.

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With it's own unique proficiency progression, focus spells and various feats that interact with its class abilities, it seems a bit too involved to be a mere archetype.

That being said, I'd totally love an Eldritch Knight Archetype that does what the Eldritch Archer does, just in melee.

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Maliloki wrote:
It's just a melee version of the Eldritch Archer archetype.

While I dislike many points of the current design, I think calling it a melee version of an archetype is a vast overreaction.

It is clearly a complete (if unbalanced) class like every other, with full 1-20 progression, unique class feats, class mechanics, focus spells, etc...
You can have issues with its design (I sure do), but overreaction like that isn't very constructive.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Yes it does have all of what was said, but is all of that stuff really needed for this concept? What's in the playtest could be stripped down to what makes it really interesting as a concept and be done as a really good archetype.

Despite the negativeness of my post, I do consider this constructive as I think it really needs to be examined if it NEEDS to be a full class or if Paizo just WANTS it to be a full class.

I know it's GOING to be a full class because they've already made up their minds about it and I'm in the vast minority on this. And that's fine. It's existence as a full class doesn't negatively effect my game in any way, shape, or form.

Paizo Employee Director of Game Design

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We have never really be interested in arguing whether or not a game element will exist in the game. Once we have reached the point of the playtest, it is almost entirely decided. Giving a comment that a class does not feel different enough from an archetype is a useful piece of feedback, but debating its existence is not.

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