GM Fuzzfoot's CORE #0-02 The Hydra's Fang Incident (Inactive)

Game Master PJP

The Hydra's Fang

The Underdocks | Lubor's Imports

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Grand Lodge

Male Evoker 5 (HP: 37/37), Init: +3, AC: 18 T: 14, FF: 15 (Assumes Mage Armor), Perception +11 (LLV), F: +3, R: +5, W: +5, CMB: +0, CMD: 14
Per Diem:
  • Force Bolt (1d4+2) 1/9, 5* re-roll USED

    Silver Crusade

    Female Human (CORE) Cleric | Lv1 | AC19, T 13 FF 16 | HP= 10/10 | F+3, R+2, W+6 | CMB=2 CMD=15 | Init+8 | Perc +5

    Tanna mentally pats herself on the back for having the forethought of tying off herself and her gear, then simply attempts to keep her head above water...
    swim DC: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (15) - 2 = 13

    Knowledge | GSC | Mummy's Mask | WftC | RotR$ | Carrion Crown

    The creature stops and considers your words.

    "You are not working for Du Moire? You came following his men... we assumed you were part of that crew. "

    As no one is continuing to attack, he stares at you for a bit longer. "Very well. I will believe you, and let you live today."

    With that, he dives under the water, and disappears.

    Grand Lodge

    Male Evoker 5 (HP: 37/37), Init: +3, AC: 18 T: 14, FF: 15 (Assumes Mage Armor), Perception +11 (LLV), F: +3, R: +5, W: +5, CMB: +0, CMD: 14
    Per Diem:
  • Force Bolt (1d4+2) 1/9, 5* re-roll USED
  • "That was... close." Can we get back aboard?

    "If we survive this, I need to be better prepared for the water."

    Scarab Sages

    Dwarven monk-8; HP 76/76; Re-roll@+3(+6 FJC) 1/1; Stunning Fist 8/8 (DC18); Ki 8/8; Wand CLW 38/50; AC 20(24 w/mage armor; Fort +10(+12 vs poison); Ref +10(evasion); Will +12;Extra +2 vs spells, +4 vs enchantments; Init +4; Perc +16

    Oggil spends a bit of time trying to right the boat.

    "As the seasons go and return, so may we hope our watery ally returns to our aid when we face the dread pirate. In the meantime, and in a similar vein, let us see if we can return the boat to its rightful orientation. I don't fancy swimming any longer than necessary."

    Oggil spends a bit of time righting the boat and climbing back in.
    Do we need checks to do that at the moment?

    Knowledge | GSC | Mummy's Mask | WftC | RotR$ | Carrion Crown

    Eventually, you are able to get the boat upright and climb in. You are all pretty wet, but otherwise fine to proceed.

    As you approach the The Hydra’s Fang, you see it is a small galliot. There is a crew on deck, and they have yet to notice you, but you are still a fair ways out.

    What do you do?

    Scarab Sages

    Dwarven monk-8; HP 76/76; Re-roll@+3(+6 FJC) 1/1; Stunning Fist 8/8 (DC18); Ki 8/8; Wand CLW 38/50; AC 20(24 w/mage armor; Fort +10(+12 vs poison); Ref +10(evasion); Will +12;Extra +2 vs spells, +4 vs enchantments; Init +4; Perc +16

    "As the cuckoo to the host, we should approach the Fang in disguise. We have the authority to inspect with that medallion. Let us use it."

    Grand Lodge

    Male Evoker 5 (HP: 37/37), Init: +3, AC: 18 T: 14, FF: 15 (Assumes Mage Armor), Perception +11 (LLV), F: +3, R: +5, W: +5, CMB: +0, CMD: 14
    Per Diem:
  • Force Bolt (1d4+2) 1/9, 5* re-roll USED
  • "agreed. Still, be ready for mortal combat. "

    -Posted with Wayfinder

    Silver Crusade

    Female Human (CORE) Cleric | Lv1 | AC19, T 13 FF 16 | HP= 10/10 | F+3, R+2, W+6 | CMB=2 CMD=15 | Init+8 | Perc +5

    Tanna checks her gear and helps bail out the water from the boat. "We shud dry oyt as much as possable as inspectors, drippin' wet, may draw suspicion."

    Scarab Sages

    Dwarven monk-8; HP 76/76; Re-roll@+3(+6 FJC) 1/1; Stunning Fist 8/8 (DC18); Ki 8/8; Wand CLW 38/50; AC 20(24 w/mage armor; Fort +10(+12 vs poison); Ref +10(evasion); Will +12;Extra +2 vs spells, +4 vs enchantments; Init +4; Perc +16

    "While we speak the path of deception, we know they left three people behind. We might alternatively claim they got drunk in a brawl and want their captain to come for them. They are a tough crew, and this may be a way to get the captain alone or with only a one or two others. "

    He lowers his voice.

    "A crew capable of razing an entire town is not one that I think the small group of us are able to overcome alone by force. Where force may not work, then let guile perhaps aid us."

    Knowledge | GSC | Mummy's Mask | WftC | RotR$ | Carrion Crown

    I love the ideas, but I don't want to give you false sense of hope for success on some possible courses of action. Since I may not have done a great job up to now describing your foes, here is some food for thought....

    As you discuss options for your approach, a couple additional things come to mind.

    Du Moire is notorious for simply killing crew that displease him. This sort of man is not likely to bother with a rescue attempt. Maybe some of the other crew may be better inclined... but they do sound like a pretty unsympathetic bunch.

    Even if you are able to convince them that you are inspectors with a "right" to board, you are approaching a band of pirates, murderers and otherwise despicable characters. You can probably assume they don't care what your rights are.

    Grand Lodge

    Male Evoker 5 (HP: 37/37), Init: +3, AC: 18 T: 14, FF: 15 (Assumes Mage Armor), Perception +11 (LLV), F: +3, R: +5, W: +5, CMB: +0, CMD: 14
    Per Diem:
  • Force Bolt (1d4+2) 1/9, 5* re-roll USED
  • Not your bad. Had to try :-)

    "this won't be easy. I think we should just get on board quickly. Don't expect quarter to be accepted."

    -Posted with Wayfinder

    Silver Crusade

    Female Human (CORE) Cleric | Lv1 | AC19, T 13 FF 16 | HP= 10/10 | F+3, R+2, W+6 | CMB=2 CMD=15 | Init+8 | Perc +5

    "I suppose a parley is out of the question?"

    Scarab Sages

    Dwarven monk-8; HP 76/76; Re-roll@+3(+6 FJC) 1/1; Stunning Fist 8/8 (DC18); Ki 8/8; Wand CLW 38/50; AC 20(24 w/mage armor; Fort +10(+12 vs poison); Ref +10(evasion); Will +12;Extra +2 vs spells, +4 vs enchantments; Init +4; Perc +16

    "A miser who refuses to empty his pockets may drown when he might be saved. Could we not pretend we have something that we are willing to pay to get smuggled out? At the very least they may let us aboard even if only to get the goods and cut our throats."

    Suggests the dwarf.

    Grand Lodge

    Male Evoker 5 (HP: 37/37), Init: +3, AC: 18 T: 14, FF: 15 (Assumes Mage Armor), Perception +11 (LLV), F: +3, R: +5, W: +5, CMB: +0, CMD: 14
    Per Diem:
  • Force Bolt (1d4+2) 1/9, 5* re-roll USED
  • So we approach the anchor line and try to board there. Screw talking.

    Knowledge | GSC | Mummy's Mask | WftC | RotR$ | Carrion Crown

    This is a complicated scene as per the scenario, so we will give it a go...

    As you approach, one of the crew on board waves at you. You start to think this might not be so bad, but then they realize you are not part of the crew, and burst into action. You see 3 men on board, and they begin to take turns firing arrows at you and playing with rigging, clearly intent on setting sail.

    You have 2 rounds to close (taking arrow shots, but also allowing buffs, etc), and then have to find a way on board.

    A DC 13 Climb check will prove sufficient to scale the anchor line, but only 1 person per round can make the attempt. It is at the front of the ship.

    It takes a DC 25 to scale the ship’s curved sides (using a rope and grappling hook reduces the Climb check to DC 5). Of course, you can all do this simultaneously, but only 1 person per rope per round.

    It looks easier (DC 15 Climb check) to climb the transom (the flat rear end of the ship) than the side to reach the deck. Adding ropes still only reduces this to DC 5, however. Again, you can all climb simultaneously here.

    If you want to try two different approaches, you will need to move your boat - 1 round to move to another location.

    Make sense?

    Grand Lodge

    Male Evoker 5 (HP: 37/37), Init: +3, AC: 18 T: 14, FF: 15 (Assumes Mage Armor), Perception +11 (LLV), F: +3, R: +5, W: +5, CMB: +0, CMD: 14
    Per Diem:
  • Force Bolt (1d4+2) 1/9, 5* re-roll USED
  • Makes sense to me.

    "Bollix, I'm not one for climbing!"

    Round 1: Cast Shield
    Round 2: Cast Force Bolt on the nearest archer DMG: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2

    Scarab Sages

    Dwarven monk-8; HP 76/76; Re-roll@+3(+6 FJC) 1/1; Stunning Fist 8/8 (DC18); Ki 8/8; Wand CLW 38/50; AC 20(24 w/mage armor; Fort +10(+12 vs poison); Ref +10(evasion); Will +12;Extra +2 vs spells, +4 vs enchantments; Init +4; Perc +16

    Oggil will row, and then climb the chain when we get close.
    climb: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21

    Silver Crusade

    Female Human (CORE) Cleric | Lv1 | AC19, T 13 FF 16 | HP= 10/10 | F+3, R+2, W+6 | CMB=2 CMD=15 | Init+8 | Perc +5

    Tanna, having been raised by dwarves, is always prepared with a rope and hook... She will row with Oogil then toss her rope and climb.
    toss grappleing hook: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20
    climb: 1d20 ⇒ 17

    -Posted with Wayfinder

    Liberty's Edge

    Female Human Ranger 3 | hp 28 | AC 17 T 13 FF 14 | CMD 18 | F +5 R +6 W +1 | Spd 30' | Init +3 (+5 urban) | KnGeo +6, KnNat +6, Perc +6, SensM +0, Surv +5| Favored Enemy (humans) +2, favored terrain (urban +2) |

    Round 1 Covering crossbow fire vs the highest threatening opponent (one taking shots at us rather than playing with the rigging). Hopefully one in the rigging to get that satisfying 'AAAAAA! THUD!' light crossbow: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14 damage: 1d8 ⇒ 1

    Round 2 More of the same. light crossbow: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7 damage: 1d8 ⇒ 2

    Potential Round 3 Toss the useless crossbow aside and scale which ever option is closest

    Knowledge | GSC | Mummy's Mask | WftC | RotR$ | Carrion Crown


    Round 1 Arrows:

    Attack Thran: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5
    Attack Oggil: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16
    Damage to Oggil: 1d6 ⇒ 3

    Round 2 Arrows:
    Attack Tanna: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9
    Attack Colleen: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19
    Damage to Colleen: 1d6 ⇒ 6

    After pushing through the hail of arrows, you make way to the front of the ship.

    Round 3: Oggil climbs the chain, Tanna climbes the rope.
    Thran and Colleen can wait til round 4 to climb, or can try scaling the side without assistance (DC 25)
    Attack Oggil: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8
    Attack Colleen: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10

    Once we have a decision from Thran and Colleen (or alternate actions), we can jump right into round 4.

    Round 4: (Bold may act)
    Tanna, Oggil (3 dmg), Colleen (6 dmg), Thanalas
    Red (2 dmg), Green, Purple

    Grand Lodge

    Male Evoker 5 (HP: 37/37), Init: +3, AC: 18 T: 14, FF: 15 (Assumes Mage Armor), Perception +11 (LLV), F: +3, R: +5, W: +5, CMB: +0, CMD: 14
    Per Diem:
  • Force Bolt (1d4+2) 1/9, 5* re-roll USED
  • can Thran see any enemies? With a negative climb check I'm not going up the side.

    If I can see am enemy... the elven magic user stays silent as he levels a force bolt at the nearest foe. DMG: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2

    -Posted with Wayfinder

    Knowledge | GSC | Mummy's Mask | WftC | RotR$ | Carrion Crown

    That was my guess, and you should be able to see one from time to time. Is this just round 3, or are you just staying in the boat?

    Silver Crusade

    Female Human (CORE) Cleric | Lv1 | AC19, T 13 FF 16 | HP= 10/10 | F+3, R+2, W+6 | CMB=2 CMD=15 | Init+8 | Perc +5

    Once at the top, Tanna quickly grasps her hammer and immedately lays into the green pirate.

    War Hammer, crit x3
    Melee WarHammer Atk vs. Green: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11
    Damage?: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6

    Scarab Sages

    Dwarven monk-8; HP 76/76; Re-roll@+3(+6 FJC) 1/1; Stunning Fist 8/8 (DC18); Ki 8/8; Wand CLW 38/50; AC 20(24 w/mage armor; Fort +10(+12 vs poison); Ref +10(evasion); Will +12;Extra +2 vs spells, +4 vs enchantments; Init +4; Perc +16

    And Oggil joins her.

    "As the clouds bring rain to barren lands, so have your crimes brought justice to you!"

    flurry attack: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
    damage: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8
    flurry attack: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 1 = 19
    damage: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5

    The first attack is a feint, or so he'll claim. The second is much better delivering a powerful blow to the mans jaw.

    Grand Lodge

    Male Evoker 5 (HP: 37/37), Init: +3, AC: 18 T: 14, FF: 15 (Assumes Mage Armor), Perception +11 (LLV), F: +3, R: +5, W: +5, CMB: +0, CMD: 14
    Per Diem:
  • Force Bolt (1d4+2) 1/9, 5* re-roll USED
  • Just staying on for Round 3 (maybe 4, definitely not 5.)

    Liberty's Edge

    Female Human Ranger 3 | hp 28 | AC 17 T 13 FF 14 | CMD 18 | F +5 R +6 W +1 | Spd 30' | Init +3 (+5 urban) | KnGeo +6, KnNat +6, Perc +6, SensM +0, Surv +5| Favored Enemy (humans) +2, favored terrain (urban +2) |

    Round 3 because 5 is right out!
    crossbow v whomever is visible enough to shoot at: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23 damage: 1d8 ⇒ 5


    crossbow (confirm): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5 damage: 1d8 ⇒ 8 sigh.

    Knowledge | GSC | Mummy's Mask | WftC | RotR$ | Carrion Crown

    Round 3

    Thran again softens up the red pirate, and Colleen scores an excellent hit, but he manages to turn just in the nick of time to avoid being killed outright. He does stop shooting and working on the rigging, however, as he is clearly disabled. He limps away for cover.

    The man dressed in purple comes out of the cabin and sees you. "Kill them, you fools!" he cries, and then retreats from view.

    Round 4

    Tanna is unable to connect with the hammer, but distracts the pirate in green long enough for Oggil to get a good punch to the face in. The pirate drops his bow and draws his longsword, and starts to attack Oggil, but he is clearly being defensive. His approach fails to draw any blood.

    Attack defensively: 1d20 + 4 - 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 - 4 = 3

    Round 4 continued: (Bold may act)
    Colleen (6 dmg), Thanalas

    Round 5: (Bold may act)
    Tanna, Oggil (3 dmg), Colleen (6 dmg), Thanalas
    Red (9 dmg, disabled), Green (5 dmg), Purple

    Grand Lodge

    Male Evoker 5 (HP: 37/37), Init: +3, AC: 18 T: 14, FF: 15 (Assumes Mage Armor), Perception +11 (LLV), F: +3, R: +5, W: +5, CMB: +0, CMD: 14
    Per Diem:
  • Force Bolt (1d4+2) 1/9, 5* re-roll USED
  • Thran sends another bolt up at the sailor in greenBolt: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2 Ugh I can tell these are running out of steam!

    With a bit of breathing room up top now, Thran climbs the anchor line. Climb: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (16) - 2 = 14 Phew!

    Knowledge | GSC | Mummy's Mask | WftC | RotR$ | Carrion Crown

    OK - now with three against one (and a severely damaged one at that) the green pirate surrenders... meaning, he jumps ship. Feel free to take AoO's as you like, but he is out of the picture.

    You help Colleen aboard, and come around to the stern, and find the red pirate unconscious but stable, next to the door of the cabin. You hear some rustling inside.

    Grand Lodge

    Male Evoker 5 (HP: 37/37), Init: +3, AC: 18 T: 14, FF: 15 (Assumes Mage Armor), Perception +11 (LLV), F: +3, R: +5, W: +5, CMB: +0, CMD: 14
    Per Diem:
  • Force Bolt (1d4+2) 1/9, 5* re-roll USED
  • "Be it known. You are surrounded and out numbered. Do not make this harder upon yourself. Surrender is perfectly acceptable!"

    Thran stands slightly back and to the side with a nod to the heartier party members towards the door.

    Liberty's Edge

    Female Human Ranger 3 | hp 28 | AC 17 T 13 FF 14 | CMD 18 | F +5 R +6 W +1 | Spd 30' | Init +3 (+5 urban) | KnGeo +6, KnNat +6, Perc +6, SensM +0, Surv +5| Favored Enemy (humans) +2, favored terrain (urban +2) |

    Any obvious way beside the door to get in?

    Colleen stomps aboard and has a look around.

    Knowledge | GSC | Mummy's Mask | WftC | RotR$ | Carrion Crown

    It is not a large ship, and the door is the only apparent way into or out of the cabin. There is also a ladder down into the hold area.

    I have to assume that last bit - I don't see it on the map, so I put a circle where I think it is.

    Liberty's Edge

    Female Human Ranger 3 | hp 28 | AC 17 T 13 FF 14 | CMD 18 | F +5 R +6 W +1 | Spd 30' | Init +3 (+5 urban) | KnGeo +6, KnNat +6, Perc +6, SensM +0, Surv +5| Favored Enemy (humans) +2, favored terrain (urban +2) |

    "Psst. Any of you got a bit of flint and steel? We might smoke 'em out."

    Scarab Sages

    Dwarven monk-8; HP 76/76; Re-roll@+3(+6 FJC) 1/1; Stunning Fist 8/8 (DC18); Ki 8/8; Wand CLW 38/50; AC 20(24 w/mage armor; Fort +10(+12 vs poison); Ref +10(evasion); Will +12;Extra +2 vs spells, +4 vs enchantments; Init +4; Perc +16

    Oggil shakes his head.

    "I have but a small injury. I'm ready to go in.."

    AT the nod from the others Oggil will open the door (and step in if he can)

    Knowledge | GSC | Mummy's Mask | WftC | RotR$ | Carrion Crown

    You enter the cabin to find DuMoire holding a small chest, and a longsword.

    "Get off my ship!" he says, but not with as much conviction as you would expect.

    Silver Crusade

    Female Human (CORE) Cleric | Lv1 | AC19, T 13 FF 16 | HP= 10/10 | F+3, R+2, W+6 | CMB=2 CMD=15 | Init+8 | Perc +5

    Before entering the cabin, Tanna draws one of her most prized possessions (she is only Lv1 after all), a wand of cure light wounds, and attends to Oggil first (he is a Dwarf.)
    CLW - Oggil: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9

    She will then attend to her other injured companions.
    CLW - Colleen: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
    (that should get you to -1hp, that ok?)

    Liberty's Edge

    Female Human Ranger 3 | hp 28 | AC 17 T 13 FF 14 | CMD 18 | F +5 R +6 W +1 | Spd 30' | Init +3 (+5 urban) | KnGeo +6, KnNat +6, Perc +6, SensM +0, Surv +5| Favored Enemy (humans) +2, favored terrain (urban +2) |
    Oggil Redhand wrote:

    Oggil shakes his head.

    "I have but a small injury. I'm ready to go in.."

    AT the nod from the others Oggil will open the door (and step in if he can)

    "Waitaminute--I actually understood that. Best hit him the swagger stick again Tanna."

    Tanna Giantsmite wrote:

    She will then attend to her other injured companions.

    (that should get you to -1hp, that ok?)

    More than fine. Thanks!

    Scarab Sages

    Dwarven monk-8; HP 76/76; Re-roll@+3(+6 FJC) 1/1; Stunning Fist 8/8 (DC18); Ki 8/8; Wand CLW 38/50; AC 20(24 w/mage armor; Fort +10(+12 vs poison); Ref +10(evasion); Will +12;Extra +2 vs spells, +4 vs enchantments; Init +4; Perc +16

    Oggil blushes an apology at Colleen.

    "My form and head are as fine as a sunny day. But my thanks for your concern."

    To DuMoire he sadly shakes his head.
    "Like a student on his first day, you do not understand."

    The dwarf steps into the room, his hands opening and non threatening.

    "You have stolen that which we wish to have returned. You have also committed foul murder, which is a sin your soul will atone for in the afterlife. But the tablets are what we are after. Bring them and you may yet leave this ship alive."

    Knowledge | GSC | Mummy's Mask | WftC | RotR$ | Carrion Crown

    Looking you over, he says "Ok, sure. Those tablets, they are in the hold. You can have them if you let me be."

    Scarab Sages

    Dwarven monk-8; HP 76/76; Re-roll@+3(+6 FJC) 1/1; Stunning Fist 8/8 (DC18); Ki 8/8; Wand CLW 38/50; AC 20(24 w/mage armor; Fort +10(+12 vs poison); Ref +10(evasion); Will +12;Extra +2 vs spells, +4 vs enchantments; Init +4; Perc +16

    With a gracious bow, Oggil offers DeMoire a way to the hold.

    "As the cart follows the horse, so will I follow you. For as the sages of old say 'A wise man guards his treasure well', and I'm sure you will have some protections around your treasure that you need to disarm for us."

    Grand Lodge

    Male Evoker 5 (HP: 37/37), Init: +3, AC: 18 T: 14, FF: 15 (Assumes Mage Armor), Perception +11 (LLV), F: +3, R: +5, W: +5, CMB: +0, CMD: 14
    Per Diem:
  • Force Bolt (1d4+2) 1/9, 5* re-roll USED
  • "what's the catch?" Thran is nonplussed. "that was too easy for a supposed pirate."

    -Posted with Wayfinder

    Silver Crusade

    Female Human (CORE) Cleric | Lv1 | AC19, T 13 FF 16 | HP= 10/10 | F+3, R+2, W+6 | CMB=2 CMD=15 | Init+8 | Perc +5

    "In me own stylized words av Torag, 'Bust a dayle, fale me steel' so yer best rethink any possable subterfuge, pirate!" Tanna says forcefully, followed by puzzled looks of amazement and embarrassment.
    She wonders where exactly that little soliloquy was conjured as she is still so young and inexperienced, then utters a silent thanks to the Father of Creation.

    Knowledge | GSC | Mummy's Mask | WftC | RotR$ | Carrion Crown

    "No, you feel free to go yourself. I am leaving now!"

    You see DuMoire is carrying a chest that looks rather heavy, but is too small to hold the tablets you seek. He is still armed - so the question is, do you trust this cutthroat pirate and leave him be, or do you decide to take him by force?

    Sense Motive, DC 10:
    You sense that he really is only trying to save his skin and wants to flee.

    Sense Motive, DC 15:
    He does appear to be telling the truth regarding the tablets.

    Liberty's Edge

    Female Human Ranger 3 | hp 28 | AC 17 T 13 FF 14 | CMD 18 | F +5 R +6 W +1 | Spd 30' | Init +3 (+5 urban) | KnGeo +6, KnNat +6, Perc +6, SensM +0, Surv +5| Favored Enemy (humans) +2, favored terrain (urban +2) |

    sense motive: 1d20 ⇒ 18

    "Even if I believe you about the tablets, there's still the little matter of all the thievery, rape and murder you've committed getting those tables and all the gold you've probably got in that chest there."

    Scarab Sages

    Dwarven monk-8; HP 76/76; Re-roll@+3(+6 FJC) 1/1; Stunning Fist 8/8 (DC18); Ki 8/8; Wand CLW 38/50; AC 20(24 w/mage armor; Fort +10(+12 vs poison); Ref +10(evasion); Will +12;Extra +2 vs spells, +4 vs enchantments; Init +4; Perc +16

    Oggill sighs

    "A man rich with coins may yet be dragged to his death in the depths if he does not let them go."

    Oggil utilises the captains movement to get behind him and into a better position where he will have the advantage of flanking.

    Liberty's Edge

    Female Human Ranger 3 | hp 28 | AC 17 T 13 FF 14 | CMD 18 | F +5 R +6 W +1 | Spd 30' | Init +3 (+5 urban) | KnGeo +6, KnNat +6, Perc +6, SensM +0, Surv +5| Favored Enemy (humans) +2, favored terrain (urban +2) |

    "What he said."

    Knowledge | GSC | Mummy's Mask | WftC | RotR$ | Carrion Crown

    "Then we appear to be at a standoff. I will not let you take me in, as that would surely mean my death, so I might as well take you with me. And of course, the ship is sinking, so we could just wait it out and all go down together... perhaps the water will not damage the merchandise and it will still be recoverable?"

    Scarab Sages

    Dwarven monk-8; HP 76/76; Re-roll@+3(+6 FJC) 1/1; Stunning Fist 8/8 (DC18); Ki 8/8; Wand CLW 38/50; AC 20(24 w/mage armor; Fort +10(+12 vs poison); Ref +10(evasion); Will +12;Extra +2 vs spells, +4 vs enchantments; Init +4; Perc +16

    "In the words of the Quartz scribe. 'As a stone rolls down a hill, so will violence always return to those who commit it.'" sighs Oggil as he punches the captain.

    Stunning fist if it hits, Fort DC13 or stunned

    attack, flank: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19
    damage: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3

    "I'm sure he said something about rats leaving a sinking ship too."

    Knowledge | GSC | Mummy's Mask | WftC | RotR$ | Carrion Crown

    Sense Motive: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18


    Colleen: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22
    Oggil: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14
    Tanna: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18
    Thanalas: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5

    DuMoire: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11

    Round 1: (Bold may act)
    Colleen, Tanna, Oggil
    DuMoire (3 dmg)

    DuMoire is still flatfooted...

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