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So if I had my familiar cast a spell using the Spellcasting familiar ability would it be able to sustain the spell with its own actions? If so then it seems that also giving it the Independent ability would let you sustain low level spells without spending your own actions. I'm not sure if this is too good as the spell has to be 5 levels below your highest but considering the feat to do this is normally level 16 and can stack with this tactic it seems very nice for what even a base familiar can do with its two abilities. The biggest use I can see for it is Hideous Laughter but Aqueous Orb, Bless, Enthrall, Mad Monkeys, and Shifting Sands are all low level spells that are still potentially useful at high levels. Other low level sustained spells are damage, incapacitation or summoning which are much less effective in lower level slots.

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This seems utterly fine.
Choose a spell in your repertoire or that you prepared today that is at least 5 levels lower than your highest-level spell slot. Your familiar can Cast that Spell once per day using your magical tradition, spell attack modifier, and spell DC. If the spell has a drawback that affects the caster, both you and your familiar are affected. You must be able to cast 6th-level spells using spell slots to select this ability.
Spellcasting states that it is the familiar that casts the spell, it just uses all of your numbers.
In an encounter, if you don't Command your familiar, it still gains 1 action each round. Typically, you still decide how it spends that action, but, the GM might determine that your familiar chooses its own tactics rather than performing your preferred action.
Outside of GM override, there is nothing stopping you from using the additional action to do anything you could normally do with that action, including sustaining a spell.
Requirements You have at least one spell active with a sustained duration, and you are not fatigued.
Choose one spell with a sustained duration you have in effect. The duration of that spell continues until the end of your next turn. Some spells might have slightly different or expanded effects if you sustain them. Sustaining a Spell for more than 10 minutes (100 rounds) ends the spell and makes you fatigued unless the spell lists a different maximum duration (such as “sustained up to 1 minute” or “sustained up to 1 hour”).
Nothing in the Sustain a Spell action places any particular requirements which would exclude a familiar from using it.
I can see a GM maybe requiring that the familiar have Manual Dexterity or Speech in order to meet spell components, but that is somewhat of a side discussion outside of just sustaining the spell.
I won't bother to quote the whole section, but nothing the Minion or Familiar rules precludes sustaining either.
So, yeah, work away!

beowulf99 |

I don't see why this couldn't work either. Could be really nice for a "Summoner" witch. One more minion on the field 1/day. Though in that case, it should probably be completely controlled by the GM imo. Sort of a "Gossip Factor" where your instructions being relayed to the Summoned creature through your familiar get slightly distorted.
I'd say it's worth the investment if you already have a familiar with a couple abilities to spare. Not too powerful, but with a wide range of possible uses.