LLuukkee |
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Does anyone know where to find Shoony miniatures or pawns?
Thank you.
There’s some decent ones here (search for pugs):
https://www.darkswordminiatures.com/product-category/miniature-lines/critte r-kingdoms-anthropomorphic-animals/I saw someone of the PF2E reddit post about them. Not officially Shoony, obviously, but looks pretty similar to their depiction.

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Cyrus007 wrote:Hi,
Does anyone know where to find Shoony miniatures or pawns?
Thank you.
There’s some decent ones here (search for pugs):
https://www.darkswordminiatures.com/product-category/miniature-lines/critte r-kingdoms-anthropomorphic-animals/
I saw someone of the PF2E reddit post about them. Not officially Shoony, obviously, but looks pretty similar to their depiction.
Thank you very much for the link and information. I really appreciate the help.

Technotrooper |

I purchased a couple of those minis and had them painted for my 10-year old daughter who loves pugs. She has a blast playing Shoony characters in PF2. Pictures here. Paizo really should make some Shoony minis. I think they would be popular.

Zioalca |

In total agreement with all thee above. Darksword Minis are great for shoony miniatures although it will be a bit hard to cover every class. Unfortunately I don't think we will see any minis of shoonys from Paizo anytime soon since the race is only covered in the Extinction Curse Vol 3 right now. I believe they will be making it into the Advanced Race Guide coming out sometime next year though.

LLuukkee |

In total agreement with all thee above. Darksword Minis are great for shoony miniatures although it will be a bit hard to cover every class. Unfortunately I don't think we will see any minis of shoonys from Paizo anytime soon since the race is only covered in the Extinction Curse Vol 3 right now. I believe they will be making it into the Advanced Race Guide coming out sometime next year though.
Yeah, hopefully with that book we should see at least pawns for the shoony. I was hoping to see them in the Extinction Curse pawn set, but I guess there wasn't enough room!

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They have some stickers, though I don't know about the rest of their physical products, but the Pugmire game has awesome imagery for online characters and perhaps with a little photoshopping you could make your own pawns with them. If PFS/Org play made Shoony a little more accessible, I could see a lot of demand for minis and/or pawns

iNickedYerKnickers |

I don't know how close these are to Shoony, but Hero Forge has arthro-canines to customize. . .

Darche Schneider |

I heard something about heroforge saying they might do it later. Their existing dog isn't a pug and has a long snout.
They just dropped a bunch of new dragon/reptile faces. Wouldn't be too much of a stretch to think they might drop some more. They did do Fox and Gnoll recently.
I just wish they'd make some shoe like designs for anthro characters.