Deep 6 FaWtL

Off-Topic Discussions

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I think I'm starting to lose my voice I'm averaging .9 calls a minute the entire shift so far.

Lost something else too.

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Oh my arm is almost healed up btw. Still have some trouble turning it and can't life anything past 5 pounds but it gets better every day.

I've had two calls so far tonight.

gran rey de los mono wrote:
I've had two calls so far tonight.


mildly annoyed Vidmaster7 wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
I've had two calls so far tonight.

If it helps, I did just get a third call.

gran rey de los mono wrote:
mildly annoyed Vidmaster7 wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
I've had two calls so far tonight.
If it helps, I did just get a third call.

It does not.

I need to send all these people to you somehow.

Vidmaster7 wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
mildly annoyed Vidmaster7 wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
I've had two calls so far tonight.
If it helps, I did just get a third call.

It does not.

I need to send all these people to you somehow.

Nah. I don't need them.

gran rey de los mono wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
mildly annoyed Vidmaster7 wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
I've had two calls so far tonight.
If it helps, I did just get a third call.

It does not.

I need to send all these people to you somehow.

Nah. I don't need them.

Are you sure? Could be a lot of fun.

Nice phone hasn't rang for 20 minutes now.

Orthos wrote:
Yuugasa wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Yuugasa wrote:

Also I agree passionate love is not the basis of a successful marriage but to me after that you are just friends so why marriage?

I understand the religious reasons but it doesn't seem to me that marriage adds all that much to the strength of a relationship when you can get the same things out of being lifelong buddies with the same strength of dedication to one another.

As an ace guy with an ace fiancee, our impending marriage is equal parts "for the social/financial benefits" and "because our extremely conservative families would look very disapprovingly on an unmarried man and woman cohabiting even if we know there's nothing going on".

And yes, said parents know we're asexual. I quite literally had to tell my mom, "We are not interested in sex. At all. Either of us." And her response was "Why get married then?" to which I had to explain "One, because you and everyone else in our religion would lose their minds at an unmarried man and woman living together, and two, because taxes."

(Which also sheds a not-so-flattering light on my parents' interpretations of marriage; despite spending the past 30+ years of my life teaching us along with the church that marriage is all about love and dedication and companionship, the instant sex is removed from the equation suddenly the response is "Why get married then?" ....)

Other than that it's quite literally going to be nothing different than our current arrangement other than we're living together rather than four states apart.

I hope not to offend but I've always been curious, when you are asexual do you still feel infatuated with a person sometimes? Or are traditionally "romantic" feelings absent as well?

Edit: I'm just suspicious sometimes if romantic love is just sex drive in disguise.

They are two different things.

There's even two different terms for them - asexual (lack of sex drive) vs. aromantic (lack of romantic attraction).

I am asexual...

Thanks for the explanation, I used to be up to date on this stuff but I have a lot of holes in my knowledge now, this was helpful=)

The Exchange

What happened to your arm, Vidmaster7? And yes, I missed you. I was also busy making black pepper chicken pizza. Next week's edition is black pepper pork pizza. With Mozarella cheese.

Just a Mort wrote:
What happened to your arm, Vidmaster7? And yes, I missed you. I was also busy making black pepper chicken pizza. Next week's edition is black pepper pork pizza. With Mozarella cheese.

So I tripped and fell and caught myself with that arm (better then my face right?) but I pretty well strained every muscle in it from doing so. I thought I might have broken it at first but its healing now.

The black pepper pork pizza sounds awesome, but I thought you couldn't use pork?

The Exchange

Vidmaster7 wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:
What happened to your arm, Vidmaster7? And yes, I missed you. I was also busy making black pepper chicken pizza. Next week's edition is black pepper pork pizza. With Mozarella cheese.

So I tripped and fell and caught myself with that arm (better then my face right?) but I pretty well strained every muscle in it from doing so. I thought I might have broken it at first but its healing now.

The black pepper pork pizza sounds awesome, but I thought you couldn't use pork?

It's beef I can't use. Going to do a stir fry on the minced black pepper pork though. But again the only issue about pork is its a red meat, so it's more calorific. But I'm done trying to lose weight now anyway, so I don't think it really matters.

I thought pork was a white meat?

The Exchange

Minced pork is about 396 calories/100g. A chicken thigh is 140 calories for 150g ish.

The Exchange

Not according to the Singapore govt

I looked it up here to and apparently it counts as a red meat. Which I feel is just a poor naming system.

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My mom used to put the name of the pig that was butchered on all our frozen pork.

As the person who named and fed those pigs I would have preferred just calling it red meat.

My friends believes they taste better if you know there name.

Yeah well, they obviously didn't feed and care for them and then have to shoot them in the head and cut them to pieces.

You kind of lose your appetite after that.

Or at least I did.

Scarab Sages

Yeah. We had a pig every year. When you play with them. Teach them tricks like a dig. Cuddle with them. Brush them. It get hard to eat them.
Luckily my parents named all pigs the same so it kinda blended together and that helped a little bit?

I just didn't eat pork until I moved out on my own (you'll be surprised what you'll eat when your food budget is ten dollars a week).

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So here's a random question for the FaWtLy Folk: Is there anyone on this thread, or does anyone know of anyone, have any relatives, friends, or acquaintances, or otherwise know anyone in the universe who doesn't find modern Kleenex box designs anything short of hideous?

It's seriously as if a bunch of guys with perfectly-coiffed chest hair peeking out from their wide lapels, gold medallions, Foster Grants sunglasses, and Jheri Curls, sat around saying, "Gods, why can't we be more like Andy Gibb?"

And then they design Kleenex boxes. With the color palettes of the 70s, and the hideous design patterns of the 70s. But they have no training, so they do a random mix-n-match and make the boxes even more hideous than the worst furnishing or clothing atrocities the 70s had to offer.

If I had a choice between hanging a photo of a pug's butt by my bedside table, or placing one of these abominations, I'd hang the pug's butt.

So WTF? Is it just to drive the "hide the Kleenex box by making your own tasteful container box for it" craft industry?

Are we talking Kleenex brand, or any tissue brand?

Either way I never paid much attention to the boxes.

Wirepede. A new animate!

I don't buy boxed tissue paper - the foiled ten pack is more economic around here as far as I can tell (2 zloty or a little more than a half dollar for 100 tissues). The box dispensers seem to be more expensive.

I don't think we have actual Kleenex brand available here.

I use handkerchiefs instead of paper tissues, because I am a walking antique, so I've never seen the Kleenex boxes to which NH refers, but I want to now.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Limeylongears wrote:
I use handkerchiefs instead of paper tissues, because I am a walking antique, so I've never seen the Kleenex boxes to which NH refers, but I want to now.

Mention of 70s sparked your interest?

Scarab Sages

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Wohooo! Con is done! I am currently alive! Had an awesome post-con dinner. Currently trying to get home.

I tend to just use napkins collected from various and sundry to-go restaurant orders for tissues as-needed, so I haven't bought a box of tissues in ages.

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So I asked my ex-wife if things would have been better for us if I hadn't hassled her about chores when I got overwhelmed as she sometimes literally said things like "Let's not fight about who does the dishes."

But she just laughed and said; "Well of course I didn't want to fight about doing the dishes you literally always did them, best case scenario for me if we fought about them was I would have to then do some dishes."

...Oh Yeah >_<

The Exchange

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I hates doing the dishes. But in a weird kind of sense the thought of living away from my family in the impending future gives me a funny feeling. It'll be odd not being there for their hot pot during chinese new year.

I should be able to handle it, I've lived out of my aunts house, I can cook and am actually quite happy ironing things(at least happier then doing dishes).

I'm not particularly good at general house maintenance through.

The Exchange

Orthos wrote:
I tend to just use napkins collected from various and sundry to-go restaurant orders for tissues as-needed, so I haven't bought a box of tissues in ages.

I have sinus issues so I do need to keep a box of tissues around.

Just a Mort wrote:

I hates doing the dishes. But in a weird kind of sense the thought of living away from my family in the impending future gives me a funny feeling. It'll be odd not being there for their hot pot during chinese new year.

I should be able to handle it, I've lived out of my aunts house, I can cook and am actually quite happy ironing things(at least happier then doing dishes).

I'm not particularly good at general house maintenance through.

Are you feeling anxious about not seeing them everyday?

I remember a similar feeling to that when I first moved away.

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I have 7 brothers, I couldn't wait to move out.

Just a Mort wrote:
I hates doing the dishes.

Regarding this, yeah, I hates doing the dishes too.

It's one of those things that I do just because it isn't really an option not to do them...well, I guess it's technically optional, in the same way bathing is optional and cleaning your bum after you poo is optional.

7 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

So here's a random question for the FaWtLy Folk: Is there anyone on this thread, or does anyone know of anyone, have any relatives, friends, or acquaintances, or otherwise know anyone in the universe who doesn't find modern Kleenex box designs anything short of hideous?

It's seriously as if a bunch of guys with perfectly-coiffed chest hair peeking out from their wide lapels, gold medallions, Foster Grants sunglasses, and Jheri Curls, sat around saying, "Gods, why can't we be more like Andy Gibb?"

And then they design Kleenex boxes. With the color palettes of the 70s, and the hideous design patterns of the 70s. But they have no training, so they do a random mix-n-match and make the boxes even more hideous than the worst furnishing or clothing atrocities the 70s had to offer.

If I had a choice between hanging a photo of a pug's butt by my bedside table, or placing one of these abominations, I'd hang the pug's butt.

So WTF? Is it just to drive the "hide the Kleenex box by making your own tasteful container box for it" craft industry?

somehow, I make it through my days and nights without ever worrying about the design of the Kleenex box.

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Hmmm I like the nicknames you guys often give to significant others and family members. From now on my GF is Ms. British and my ex Ms. X.

Hmmm yeah.


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Whelp, I've been super stressed the last few days(that has probably come through in my ramblings) but tonight Ms British is coming over and we are going on holiday for the next few days.

Ahhh stress relief.

captain yesterday wrote:

Isn't your wife the General?

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Yuugasa wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Isn't your wife the General?

I don't really do nicknames.

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I don't think this new guy is gonna work out. He's left me with an oversold hotel and 2 rooms that he thinks people might be in but are not checked in to our system and he says hes not sure so wtf?

Vidmaster7 wrote:
I don't think this new guy is gonna work out. He's left me with an oversold hotel and 2 rooms that he thinks people might be in but are not checked in to our system and he says hes not sure so wtf?

Sounds like a winner to me!

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My 6 year old daughter came home from school today and said "Daddy, did you know that nothing rhymes with orange?"

I said "No it doesn't. Your teacher is an idiot."

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gran rey de los mono wrote:

My 6 year old daughter came home from school today and said "Daddy, did you know that nothing rhymes with orange?"

I said "No it doesn't. Your teacher is an idiot."

>.> ... yes the teacher...

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ALL (DE) loathes doing the dishes; I do not, so washing-up is my job when I come over and she cooks.

Vidmaster7 wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:

My 6 year old daughter came home from school today and said "Daddy, did you know that nothing rhymes with orange?"

I said "No it doesn't. Your teacher is an idiot."

>.> ... yes the teacher...

Are you implying that my daughter is the idiot? HOW DARE YOU SIR!!

You don't have a daughter gran.

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Vidmaster7 wrote:
You don't have a daughter gran.

I don't? Then who the hell is the 6 year old girl living in my house?

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