Lanowar |
I'm getting to grips with Roll20 and while I have Macros that help do Skill rolls I was hoping for something to help cast Electric Arc without having to swap back to my sheet every so often.
Macros are not my strong suit however so I was hoping someone already had one they'd be kindly willing to share or perhaps just advice on how to make this work?
Thank you in advance!
BigNorseWolf |
?{{bob|Not Heightened, Lonwars Electric Arc deals [[1d4+4]] Electricity damage
|Heightened +1, Electric Arc deals [[2d4+4]] Electricity damage
|Heightened +2, Electric Arc deals [[3d4+4]] Electricity damage
|Heightened +3, Electric Arc deals [[4d4+4]] Electricity damage
|Heightened +4, Electric Arc deals [[5d4+4]] Electricity damage}
Bast L. |
First, to auto-heighten the damage, put this instead of 1d4:
Then, click the spell from your sheet once, click into chat, hit the up arrow, select all the text, and paste it into a token action macro for your character (on your sheet's attributes and abilities tab, make a new ability, paste the text in, then check 'token action').
andreww |
&{template:default} {{name=Electric Arc}} {{Basic Reflex = DC[[19]]}} {{Damage = [[1d4+4 +?{extradmg|0}]] }} {{Components = Somatic, Verbal}} {{Range = 30'}}
The ?Modifier allows you to add something like bard song to damage but will require you to hit the prompt every time. Change the damage and DC when you level up.