My players ended the third module of Kingmaker at 9th level, and a little more than a third of the way to 10th. We are going to be adding a 6th player, who's made a 10th level character in anticipation of starting the 4th KM module, but he can't make our next KM session.
Rather than just giving the players 2/3 of a level of XP and having our 6th come in during the middle of a module, I want to run an adventure of a different flavor from feel of Kingmaker.
I'm looking for a good adventure/module to run. Our sessions run pretty long, normally 12-14 hours, if that helps narrow it down. The characters that will be running this are:
Synthesist Summoner
Bone Oracle (currently commanding a huge skeletal chuul and bulette)
Ranger (ranged focused)
Healbot Cleric
The group puts out a lot of damage, and are often up against the 6-man Kingmaker conversion available on the forums
Any Pathfinder or PFS suggestions are welcome!