Spell Grasping Corpse's CMB

Rules Questions

Hi Folks,

Playing a level 13 Invoker Witch/Harrower and have been mulling over the 1st level spell Grasping Corpse. It is either great or awful depending on the interpretation of the CMB part which I am looking for help with please.

It state the CMB is equal to Caster level (13) plus Int modifier (7) = 20 (in my case)

But is this a flat value, or do you like all other CMB rolls add D20 to it?

Sorry if this is obvious but I am reading it both ways and it make a huge difference.


You add a d20. That probably still won't be enough against enemies you face at level 13 though.

(Also there needs to be a handy corpse for the spell to use, of course.)

avr wrote:

You add a d20. That probably still won't be enough against enemies you face at level 13 though.

(Also there needs to be a handy corpse for the spell to use, of course.)

Ok thanks. Well a +20 is still not to bad for a some of the smaller opponents, but agreed it is not going to beat a boss. But with no SR and no Save it is still a handy level one spell. Well a lot better than I thought it was, and it will scale up as I progress each level too.


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