Making Digital Goods VTT Friendly

Paizo General Discussion

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I caught the very backend of the conversation at Gencon where it was mentioned that Paizo is going to be going through and making thier digital content more vtt accessible.
Can anyone go into more details? Like a schedule of what products are being converted? Is it just maps or will you convert your pawns collection? Will the PDF APs come with maps that aren't stuck in pdf format?

Thank You,


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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I know this isn't Paizo's fault, but someone needs to get some engineers from Hero Lab Online and Roll20 in the same room.

The idea that you can't import a character in HTML format into Roll20 is a major obstacle to the use to the platform.

If you can get a critter into a Json file there are programs that can turn that into a token.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I suspect we got a preview of this with Agents of Edgewatch. The maps in the PDF are much higher resolution than previous APs. Hopefully they do more but that alone is already a big step up for me.

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Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Society Subscriber

After some prodding by the PFS community maps are being trimmed of their boarders so you can drag and drop them onto a grid without too much fiddling. Not sure if this has made it into the AP line yet. You may also have noticed that images don't have wonky dimensions and extraneous matting when you copy them out of the PDFs.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Soluzar wrote:

I know this isn't Paizo's fault, but someone needs to get some engineers from Hero Lab Online and Roll20 in the same room.

The idea that you can't import a character in HTML format into Roll20 is a major obstacle to the use to the platform.

Lone Wolf is already working on it, they have been for a few months now. The initial release of on something that works with Roll20 might come out this month.

The high res images should be made available where possible for older AP's.

I buy the products physically from my LGS and I wish there was a way for Paizo to make the maps available to download for me as I use a TableTV.

ograx wrote:

The high res images should be made available where possible for older AP's.

I buy the products physically from my LGS and I wish there was a way for Paizo to make the maps available to download for me as I use a TableTV.

I believe the issue is that there are no high res images, because the maps were not commissioned at a high enough resolution for VTT use in the first place. Happily, when I tried AI up-scaling on a Mummy's Mask map a few months ago the results were shockingly good.

Personally, I'd like to see an explicit statement by Paizo that extracting and up-scaling maps is permitted; without such a statement, I suspect doing so is illegal.

There are Hi res maps and from what I can gather the VTT sites get a copy, at least Roll20 does.

Agents of Edgewatch the maps look GREAT, and all but 2 have the squares removed and that helps a lot but I've noticed with all the extra movement in PF II their usual square maps just don't cut it anymore. So I've been enlarging the Roll20 ones then pop the grid back in for a bigger map area to use that movement.

PLEASE mark and the VTT Strike Team, please also include maps with no squares as well as an option, it a very big thing to more than a few of us GM's :)

Know Direction just had a Twitch show last week with Mark Morland (Director Brand Strategy)

VTT is in his wheelhouse specifically and they started a specific "VTT strike team" so to speak.

Only hard info is that they are doing 100+ maps, I'd assume their flip map line, hopefully the AP's ones as well, but they were not mentioned.

Customers who bought a PDF of these maps will get the hi res Jpeg pic in their download at some point, they are working on this right now but no date of when we will start seeing them.

So things are in progress, of more note was the next unknown AP tease (will be announced in September sometime) this was his hint

"The next AP has a NUMBER (Multiple whole Numbers) and and an ABILITY SCORE NAME in the title."

That was pretty cool!!



Wisdom of the 12 ancients.

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The maps need to be available in png or jpeg format.

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H2Osw wrote:
The maps need to be available in png or jpeg format.

Couldn't agree more. Hopefully that's imminent.

I've never had any luck pulling maps from PDFs. I've used all the software everyone recommends. I end up getting such a low quality image, or it grabs the background.

One complaint I've seen is that PFS scenarios that use flip-tiles have each individual tile saved. If at all possible I think it would greatly reduce the prep time if going forward the flip-tile maps could be saved as one image before putting it into the pdf.

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