Adventure Packs

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game General Discussion

I know Adventure Packs were created with Society play in mind, but WE use them outside of Society, so I thought this question might help a more diverse audience.

Can anyone provide a link to a concise list of the packs and their cards? I'd like to print out a list to make sorting the cards into packs easier. I found a link to some cool box inserts someone made, which could suffice, but they hadn't been updated. Right now, I'm working off the blog post (Go to Paizo Blog post), but copy/pasting that format is a mess.


Lone Shark Games

Here's one option.

I'd offer the spreadsheet I used, but it would need way too much work to make it publicly usable I think.

Hopefully someone else has a good suggestion? Heck, I might use it myself :)

I think I made those inserts. Let me update them. I should be able to do so tonight.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber

I've put a spreadsheet I made here

(I used this to print myself out reminder sheets when I built 5 2-pack characters for when I was running demos at conventions last year.)

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Ok. Found some time to quickly update them. I've moved them to a folder with all the little PACG projects I've made.

Here is the whole folder.
And Here is the adventurer's packs in particular.

If you find any mistakes, let me know.

Hawkmoon269 wrote:

Ok. Found some time to quickly update them. I've moved them to a folder with all the little PACG projects I've made.

Here is the whole folder.
And Here is the adventurer's packs in particular.

If you find any mistakes, let me know.

Nice work! I do see two issues. The Alchemy Pack is missing The Inquisitor and The Lost.

The second one is nitpicking. On the first card for the Tank Pack, in the level 0 section, you have allies listed before items. Other than that, I found no problems.

Thanks also for the helpful Society tracking cards, and thanks John F for sharing your spreadsheet too!

Both issues have been corrected now. I'm also working on a slightly different format as we speak. Not sure if it will work. I'll post here if it does.

Scarab Sages

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Adventure packs are so awesome. They are great. They breathe new life into old characters - you can mix and match all sorts of boons and see what new combinations you can get. For characters that, say, add the Ranged or Arcane skills later as a feat, you can add ranged / arcane cards in later with a pack if you so desire (and haven't taken three packs yet).

It also feels like you have a ton of options for every tier / deck #, even though realistically we probably don't. But they're tailored to your needs so the boon-selection is so rich and fecund. I've been playing Reiko with the Alchemist, Ranged, and Finesse packs. It is rad.

Everyone should buy doubles of Core and Curse so that they can have one for their game and one for The Ultimate Class Deck.

Really hoping they release another adventure path so that the boonosity can become even more supreme.

Calthaer wrote: that the boonosity can become even more supreme.

Seldom have I seen someone's play style expressed so concisely. (If someone had quoted this line to me from this forum, I would have immediately have said "Calthaer".) I could readily imagine a T-shirt with some variant of this phrase... :)

(My own would be along the lines of "If we solve the scenario, I'm happy.")

elcoderdude wrote:
Calthaer wrote: that the boonosity can become even more supreme.

Seldom have I seen someone's play style expressed so concisely. (If someone had quoted this line to me from this forum, I would have immediately have said "Calthaer".) I could readily imagine a T-shirt with some variant of this phrase... :)

(My own would be along the lines of "If we solve the scenario, I'm happy.")

Heh. I'm like you, plus "I might get to play one new character per year." Right now our group is still on hold due to store gaming area issues. :(

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