gencon2020 code not working after leaving cart

Customer Service

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I added PDFs of books 3-6 of Age of Ashes to my cart, went through check out (but did not hit the red button to complete the check out). I decided that even with the great discount I was not ready to spend that much. I went back to my cart and removed books 5 and 6. Now I cannot get the discount to apply again.

I want to purchase a PDF of Tomorrow Must Burn ( Must-Burn ) and a PDF of Fires of the Haunted City ( the-Haunted-City ) using the gencon2020 code.

I also have Paizo Advantage, and the cart was letting the two things stack, which was part of my decision to make the purchase.

Customer Service Representative

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hi caps,

Thank you so much for your patience as we have had a large influx of messages. I do not see the PDFs on your account, and I just wanted to confirm before generating a discounted order for you that you haven't purchased them yet and that you'd still like to purchase the discounted PDFs.

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Joan H. wrote:

Hi caps,

Thank you so much for your patience as we have had a large influx of messages. I do not see the PDFs on your account, and I just wanted to confirm before generating a discounted order for you that you haven't purchased them yet and that you'd still like to purchase the discounted PDFs.

Hi Joan, thanks for getting back to me. I am confirming that I have *not* purchased either of the PDFs but would still love to buy them at a discount.

I am glad I checked this thread; I was just about to give up and buy them non-discounted, as I'm going to be needing book 3 pretty soon.

Customer Service Representative

Perfect, I set up your order and you should see a confirmation email and the new books in your digital library now! Thanks again for your patience!

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