Jim Holloway RIP

Off-Topic Discussions

No actual obituary yet, but I have seen on facebook that Jim Holloway, longtime artist for Dragon,Paranoia and other systems has passed.


R.I.P., Jim. Your Dragon Magazine covers told complete stories without using a single word. Thank you for your art and imagination.

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Plus his funny art in Paranoia and Dragon were classics. Like the 'Biker gang vs. a tank' picture.

LOL yes.

Dark Archive

Aw, I recognize the name and think I recall some of his art, from Spelljammer, I think?

In Paranoia, did he draw the 'iconic' smoking boot? (The effective character portrait of so many of my Paranoia characters...) :)

Ach, that's sad news.

May he rest peacefully. SPELLJAMMER FOREVER

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