Dyslexic Character Sheets - BETA

Product Discussion

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It's finally time for the public beta of my custom character sheets for Pathfinder 2nd Edition. Build your character here:

Build A Character

This is a public beta, meaning it's not patrons-only any more: anyone can get to the dev site now. I want your feedback on the beta, so go and make some character sheets, and tell me what needs to be fixed.


  • - Different pages for each class (I was doing it before it was cool)
  • - Space for your ancestry, background, feats etc
  • - Your character portrait, chosen from a long list or upload your own
  • - Extra pages for spellbooks, formulas, animal companions, etc
  • - Minis to cut out and play
  • - Translated into Italian
  • - Accessibility modes: Large print, high contrast, and dyslexic font option
  • - 100% free and open source
  • - Available as a JavaScript library to integrate into your own projects

There are some things on my list to add in the future:

  • - Archetypes, including those from other books like the Lost Omens Character Guide
  • - More ancestries, heritages, backgrounds and classes - including the APG when it comes out
  • - GM pages: NPCs, maps, timelines etc.
  • - Pathfinder Society chronicle tracking
  • - More translations (drop me a line if you'd like to help with that)
  • - Automatic calculations

Some feedback on the Monk's character sheet:

1- Stance Savant was corrected in the first batch of Errata. It was changed from a Reaction to a Free Action.

2- There's no "Fierce Flurry" 9th level Monk Feature anymore. The only things a monk gains at that level are Metal Strikes, Monk Expertise, Skill Increase and Ancestry Feat.

Otherwise, the character sheet is looking amazing. The Combat Style specially it's even better than before (my friend was one of the patrons).

Lightning Raven wrote:
Stance Savant was corrected in the first batch of Errata. It was changed from a Reaction to a Free Action.

Curse you, Errata! I already fixed that once, then I UNfixed it when I saw it didn't match what's in the book.

I'll fix it again.

Dyslexic Character Sheets wrote:
Lightning Raven wrote:
Stance Savant was corrected in the first batch of Errata. It was changed from a Reaction to a Free Action.

Curse you, Errata! I already fixed that once, then I UNfixed it when I saw it didn't match what's in the book.

I'll fix it again.

Don't forget the Fierce Flurry feature. I think this was from the Playtest, but it's not present on the released CRB neither on Archive of Nethys (I checked to make sure).

I've updated it with those two fixes, Lightning Raven.

There aren't many issues with the beta, so the main release will be out soon.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

This looks amazing. I will try them in action as soon as I get time to transfer my existing characters. So far my main disappointment with Pathfinder 2e is the lack of a great character sheet. We got spoiled using your 3.5 and 1e character sheets. I made a small donation as a thank you.

Shadow Lodge

A website note: When I go to the "Tour" tab, and click on one of the example images. It enlarges the picture to overlay the page and grays out the background. Ok, all well and good... but there doesn't seem to be any way to close the image. I have to hit the back button on my browser, then forward again, then click on the tour tab again to get back to where I was.

gnoams wrote:
but there doesn't seem to be any way to close the image

Huh. I swear there used to be. I'll fix that.

gnoams, I've fixed that now.

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