PerseusCreed |

I am helping a friend to DM his first pathfinder campaign, and while going over the Doppleganger creature in preparation for an encounter, i thought of something:
The doppelganger has a listed immunity to charm and sleep, and i was wondering: is this immunity only to magical sleep effects? or can a doppelganger be put to sleep by non-magical means like some kind of alchemical gas attack?

PerseusCreed |

If thw alchemical item is replicating the effects of a spell, I would say that the immunity still stands.
what if it isn't replicating the spell, like this item i found?
Alchemical Sleep Gas
This liquid evaporates quickly when exposed to air, creating a temporary, mildly toxic cloud that puts living creatures to sleep. You can throw a flask of sleep gas as a grenade-like weapon. It has a range increment of 10 feet.
On a direct hit (splashes have no effect because the gas dissipates instantly), a living target must succeed on a Fortitude save (DC 15) or fall asleep for 1 round. After 1 round, the target must make another Fortitude save (DC 15) or sleep 1d4 additional minutes. The sleep gas affects creatures that are immune to magical sleep effects but not creatures that are immune to poison. Spells and effects that cancel or counter poisons (such as neutralize poison) are effective against the gas.
The gas affects only one creature of Small or larger size. The gas affects all creatures of Tiny or smaller size in the 5-foot square where it strikes.
Note: A sleeping creature is helpless. Slapping or wounding awakens the creature, but normal noise does not. Awakening the creature is a standard action.
The Alchemy DC to make alchemical sleep gas is 25.