Even Death May Die (Interest Check)


Thinking about running a short adventure with Call of Cthulhu 7th edition, one which would be more based in investigation / roleplay / atmosphere than combat, set in the 1920s New York. I'd be looking for 3-4 people to unknowingly embark on a journey that likely leads to madness.

Evening. Colour me interested. Lovecraft done well is a beautiful and terrible thing. Too many Lovecraft inspired stories descend into hack and slash rather than madness.

How much system knowledge would you be looking for in participants?

I recently got the rulebook but haven't got around to reading it in any detail yet.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

I'm interested, although I only have the 5th edition rules. I don't think there's a huge amount of difference between the editions, however.

Louxman wrote:
How much system knowledge would you be looking for in participants?

No prior experience necessary! In some ways it may be preferable, since I like the idea of players not being familiar with the module ahead of time. I don't usually care about that, but I feel like it makes a bigger difference for this type of game.

Branding Opportunity wrote:
I'm interested, although I only have the 5th edition rules. I don't think there's a huge amount of difference between the editions, however.

I didn't play 5th but I know 7 did a lot of streamlining. My guess is that you can probably get by with the 5th edition and the free quickstart for 7th

I would also be interested, though my experience with Call of Cthulhu is pretty limited (maybe 1-2 one-shots at cons and I have no idea which version was being used). Basically, unless you're running the Shooting Party, I have probably not played it.

I might be interested, though I have no experience with call of cthulhu.

Also, I'm not American, so I might lack some of the knowledge natives might have about the 1920s new york, but I guess this could be justified by playing a recently arrived foreigner if that fits the narrative.

Anon A Mouse wrote:
I would also be interested, though my experience with Call of Cthulhu is pretty limited (maybe 1-2 one-shots at cons and I have no idea which version was being used). Basically, unless you're running the Shooting Party, I have probably not played it.

Not running Shooting Party, so you're fine, there!

panegyric wrote:

I might be interested, though I have no experience with call of cthulhu.

Also, I'm not American, so I might lack some of the knowledge natives might have about the 1920s new york, but I guess this could be justified by playing a recently arrived foreigner if that fits the narrative.

TBH I also know very little about 1920s New York and we're dealing with Lovecraftian monsters so we likely won't be too historically accurate. That said, being a recently arrived foreigner is totally okay.

Colour me interested. I'll check up once a recruitment pops up. Just noticed this was a week ago. Oops.

That is not dead which can eternal lie...

Hopefully this is enough interest for a run?

It is! Appreciate the bump Hubaris. I'll do some prep this weekend to start an actual recruitment thread on Monday.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

I'm interested as well!

hooray =)

Had time today, as it turns out! Recruitment

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