Doomed, Dying and Death

Rules Discussion

Doomed is listed as The maximum dying value at which you die is reduced by your doomed value. Example, if you were doomed 1, you would die upon reaching dying 3 instead of dying 4. If your maximum dying value is ever reduced to 0, you instantly die.

How does the Doomed Condition interact with the Dying Condition?

Does it kill you instantly when you hit a Doomed Condition 4 even at full health? Is it only when you reach 0 hit points and gain the Dying Condition then Doomed Condition kicks in?

Inquiring minds want to know :)

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Your questions appear to all be answered by the text within the doomed condition.

The interaction is simple: if your dying condition value is equal to your normal maximum dying condition minus your doomed condition value, you are dead.

And it says explicitly "If your maximum dying value is reduced to 0, you instantly die."

So, yes. Even at full HP, if you have doomed 4, you are dead (barring other feats or abilities that increase your maximum dying value).

Fortunately, applying the same condition doesn't increase its value. So you would need something that is actually handing out doomed 4 in order to be lethal. Dishing out doomed 2 twice wouldn't cause doomed 4. It would just cause doomed 2 again.

But it does make persistent damage and getting knocked out much much more dangerous.

breithauptclan wrote:
So, yes. Even at full HP, if you have doomed 4, you are dead (barring other feats or abilities that increase your maximum dying value).

That's the issue. It does not clearly state that you die at Doomed 4 while at full hit points. Sounds like it interacts with the dying condition only so if you reach 0 hit points your dead. Instead of having to reach a dying condition 4, doomed just removed your safety net.

If its the way your suggesting then I will have to come up a different effect. I envisioned a cursed graveyard that would have the Doomed Effect while someone is in the area IE removing the safety net of the dying conditions so they would be at doomed 4 the entire time while they are in the BBEG lair, thus upping the stakes when they go to fight the BBEG.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
Krugus wrote:
breithauptclan wrote:
So, yes. Even at full HP, if you have doomed 4, you are dead (barring other feats or abilities that increase your maximum dying value).

That's the issue. It does not clearly state that you die at Doomed 4 while at full hit points. Sounds like it interacts with the dying condition only so if you reach 0 hit points your dead. Instead of having to reach a dying condition 4, doomed just removed your safety net.

If its the way your suggesting then I will have to come up a different effect. I envisioned a cursed graveyard that would have the Doomed Effect while someone is in the area IE removing the safety net of the dying conditions so they would be at doomed 4 the entire time while they are in the BBEG lair, thus upping the stakes when they go to fight the BBEG.

Sounds like you want Doomed 3. If they hit 0 hit points, gaining the dying condition[aka Dying 1] they die.

And it really is pretty clear, as it says if your maximum dying level reaches 0 you die immediately. Since Dying 0 = not having the dying condition, it should be clear why it makes the comment about dying immediately, to make I clear things like HP don’t matter.

Honestly though, even doomed 1 is supposed to be a really big deal. Even Doomed 2 itself would mean any normal hero taken down by a critical hit would be dead.

Also note, you normally recover from doomed one doomed level at a time, on a once per day basis.

It almost seems like what you want is a supernatural Wounded 3 aura. Taking lethal damage down to 0 HP would kill your standard hero outright. While in the aura you can’t remove the condition.

Once out of the aura, rest and medical treatment can remove wounded conditions, as can lots of magic and rest.

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Krugus wrote:
It does not clearly state that you die at Doomed 4 while at full hit points.

Counterpoint: "If your maximum dying value is reduced to 0, you instantly die."

The HP are not mentioned is because HP are not relevant, they will not protect you - if they did protect you, that would be something mentioned by the rules.

Ok I found on youtube from the Oblivion Oath Episode 12: Ghoulish Delights around the 43 minute mark or so

Jason Bulmahn states it reduces the point at which you die and that if you ever end up with more Doomed than you have the capability of having dying conditions you die.

Hope this clears it up for anyone that was wondering like I was :)

Krugus wrote:

Ok I found on youtube from the Oblivion Oath Episode 12: Ghoulish Delights around the 43 minute mark or so

Jason Bulmahn states it reduces the point at which you die and that if you ever end up with more Doomed than you have the capability of having dying conditions you die.

Hope this clears it up for anyone that was wondering like I was :)

So as nobledrake was saying, covered by the text its self.

4 doomed = dead instantly
3 doomed = dead the second you go to 0

Sovereign Court

So with Diehard you can walk around while Doomed 4?

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Ascalaphus wrote:
So with Diehard you can walk around while Doomed 4?

Potentially, but generally speaking if you have Diehard and something brought you to Doomed 4, you usually run.

Ascalaphus wrote:
So with Diehard you can walk around while Doomed 4?

If you add Vivacious Gnome you can walk around with Doomed 5.

I have a better question. How does doomed condition affect undead enemy?
Undead enemy doesn't have "dying" but also doesn't have immunity to doomed (constructs, for example, do have despite their "undying").
Does this mean that doomed condition one-shots undead minions?
And what about regular living minions? According to rules "When most creatures reach 0 Hit Points, they die and are removed from play". This rule is important because enemy healers can't raise "most creatures" when they are at 0 hp.
Does that mean doomed condition one-shots "most creatures"?

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The Doomed condition is meant to for creatures which follow PC death rules. If a creature just dies at zero HP, they are functionally immune to Doomed.

Kevil wrote:
According to rules "When most creatures reach 0 Hit Points, they die and are removed from play". This rule is important because enemy healers can't raise "most creatures" when they are at 0 hp.

That isn't entirely accurate. It is an approximation that is good enough in most cases.

Player characters, their companions, and other significant characters and creatures don’t automatically die when they reach 0 Hit Points. Instead, they are knocked out and are at risk of death. At the GM’s discretion, villains, powerful monsters, special NPCs, and enemies with special abilities that are likely to bring them back to the fight (like ferocity, regeneration, or healing magic) can use these rules as well.

In most cases, it is easier on the game to just handwave the death and dying process for enemies. They are assumed to fail all of their stabilization checks and expire without further option.

But if the enemy team has a character that can cast Heal, it would be appropriate to use the full Death and Dying rules for the entire enemy team.

If an enemy has Diehard, it would be appropriate to have that creature use the full Death and Dying rules.

If someone on one team is using an ability that causes Doomed, it may be appropriate to use the full Death and Dying rules - or at least remember that things only die at Dying 4 normally - not Dying 1. Applying Doomed 1 is not going to kill anything outright.

Horizon Hunters

Captain Morgan wrote:
The Doomed condition is meant to for creatures which follow PC death rules. If a creature just dies at zero HP, they are functionally immune to Doomed.

Technically yes, but I would still have a creature who somehow hits doomed 4 instantly die.

Horizon Hunters

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breithauptclan wrote:
Kevil wrote:
According to rules "When most creatures reach 0 Hit Points, they die and are removed from play". This rule is important because enemy healers can't raise "most creatures" when they are at 0 hp.

That isn't entirely accurate. It is an approximation that is good enough in most cases.

Player characters, their companions, and other significant characters and creatures don’t automatically die when they reach 0 Hit Points. Instead, they are knocked out and are at risk of death. At the GM’s discretion, villains, powerful monsters, special NPCs, and enemies with special abilities that are likely to bring them back to the fight (like ferocity, regeneration, or healing magic) can use these rules as well.

In most cases, it is easier on the game to just handwave the death and dying process for enemies. They are assumed to fail all of their stabilization checks and expire without further option.

But if the enemy team has a character that can cast Heal, it would be appropriate to use the full Death and Dying rules for the entire enemy team.

There is a PFS scenario where you fight a rival group of adventurers, with the rules that if anyone hits 1/4 HP they need to yield. One of my PCs decided to use a finisher on a severely injured enemy, against my advice, and ended up critting. I decided to use the dying rules on them since we didn't want to kill them, and one of the PCs who had already yielded wanted to cast Heal on their turn.

Cordell Kintner wrote:
Captain Morgan wrote:
The Doomed condition is meant to for creatures which follow PC death rules. If a creature just dies at zero HP, they are functionally immune to Doomed.
Technically yes, but I would still have a creature who somehow hits doomed 4 instantly die.

Sure, but what exactly is handing out Doomed 4 to NPCs? Doomed is like the Death trait. Scary to PCs and irrelevant to NPCs 99% of the time.

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