Reksew_Trebla |
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It is intended for Tengus, but the prd does not say it is limited to them.
Anyways, here is the important part:
Impossible Leap (Ex): At 7th level, as long as the courser has at least 1 panache point and is wearing light armor or no armor, she adds her swashbuckler level on all Acrobatics checks to jump. She can spend 1 panache point as an immediate action to jump 10 feet in the direction of her choice. This ability can be used to extend another jump or change direction mid-jump. If used in response to an attack, this deed functions as the dodging panache deed, but it allows the courser to move 10 feet. This deed replaces the superior feint deed.
Yeah, that is exactly double jumping.
Reksew_Trebla |
I didn't know until I read this either. Though something I've always wondered from the games: why can't you just keep jumping in mid-air repeatedly (effectively allowing you to fly?) I don't think any game actually has an explanation why.
There are actually tiny, not visible to normal human eyes, particles of solid matter in the air. I always assumed double jumping was sort of like creating a magnet for those particles, putting them under your feet, but then they’d be “magnetically” charged for a moment, preventing the character from doing it again, similar to how lightning can’t strike the same place twice (at least until a significant amount of time has passed) because of the electrical charge of the area it just hit.
That’s my headcanon anyways.
Mark Hoover 330 |
Under Acrobatics it says:
Faster Base Movement: Creatures with a base land speed above 30 feet receive a +4 racial bonus on Acrobatics checks made to jump for every 10 feet of their speed above 30 feet. Creatures with a base land speed below 30 feet receive a –4 racial bonus on Acrobatics checks made to jump for every 10 feet of their speed below 30 feet. No jump can allow you to exceed your maximum movement for the round.
I bolded that last bit about not exceeding your max movement for the round. My interpretation has always been that if you move 30' then you can't jump more than 60'. Although an Acrobatics check doesn't have an Action type the skill is used in conjunction with other actions. A jump describes movement and is limited by your total movement in a round, so I'm assuming that a jump check is part of a Move action.
So without being a Courser a standard PC with a 30' Base move could make a 10' running start and then make an Acrobatics check as part of that Move action to long jump up to 50'. They jump in basically a straight line, reaching a height of 12.5' at the apex of the jump, and when you hit the ground on the far end unless you have a way to mitigate the damage you make a controlled fall and take 1d6 non-lethal when you touch down.
Why can't you just jump forever in the air? Because you've got a max distance you can jump per the Acrobatics skill. Also the eventual drop on the far side might hurt you.
Now, if you were to make a Grippli with the Jumper and Glider alternate racial traits, you'd always be starting your jump as if you had a running start and your glider wings would allow you to control your fall to add an extra 5' of horizontal movement for every 10' of vertical movement you achieve.
A Grippli Courser 7 built in this way, with a starting Dex of 18, and wearing Boots of Springing and Striding (5500 GP, well within WBL for this level) could from a standing position make a Jump check with Acrobatics +26. If they're able to take 10 that shoots them 36', reaching an apex of 9' in the air. With only another +4, perhaps from the combination of Traits, other magic items, or buff spells, they could jump 40', reach an apex of 10', and then add another 5' of horizontal movement... and THEN spend their panache point to bounce another 10' up and push ANOTHER 5' horizontally with their wings, for a total of 50' horizontally.