Descent into Verdant Shadow boon question

Starfinder Society

5/5 *

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I have a question about one of the boons on the chronicle sheet for Descent into Verdant Shadow ...

In the Khizar admittance boon, it says "Each time you complete a scenario, you can choose to donate 10% of your credits earned to the Xenowardens and check one of the boxes below." Does this apply to scenarios completed by the *character* that has this boon, or can these checks be obtained when completing scenarios with any of your characters (assuming you pay the 10% fee)? The similar boon from Skitter Shot specifies that it can be with any character, and that wording seems to be missing here.

Dataphiles 4/5 5/55/5 *

You are correct that wording is missing. Therefore, assume it is only on that character unless a FAQ comes out otherwise.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

It's discussed over in the Discussion thread for this scenario.

5/5 *

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Nefreet wrote:
It's discussed over in the Discussion thread for this scenario.

Thanks ... although I actually don't see this issue addressed. I see them asking if they can check the box immediately after playing this scenario, and if they have to slot the boon, but not whether they can check it off for other characters.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

It's first brought up in the 6th post down.

But I mainly linked to that thread because it's the Discussion Thread for this scenario. It's best to have all questions and answers in one thread, so future posters don't have to go searching all over for the same answers.

5/5 *

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

No, the 6th post is addressing a slightly different issue. But I agree, that is a better thread for it. I don't spend much time in the GM discussion group, so didn't think of it. Thanks.

Wayfinders 5/5

I would be very interested to see this answered as well; I played at a table recently where someone asserted that it was, but did not hear anything that backed it up. The skittershot boon has been brought up as an example of "any character" can cross a box off. But that one specifies it can. By contrast, the True Savior of Tasch boon doesn't state, and no one has ever said to my knowledge "I can forgo dayjob checks on all of my characters to check a box on my 701's boon."

5/5 5/55/5 *** Venture-Captain, Germany—Hamburg

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It has been clarified by Alex Speidel 3 days after Macaroune's post.

Alex Speidel wrote:

Clarification on the Khizar boon:

- You do not have to slot it to check the boxes.
- Only the character who has earned this chronicle may donate the credits to check the boxes.

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