Soulbound ruin is supposed to have additional customizable abilities but there are none

Pathfinder Second Edition General Discussion

So, in Fires of the Haunted Citadel there is this monster which should just be a haunt that is called Soulbound Ruin. Here's the stat block:

So, in the chapter where it's met, this monster has listed "Special Soulbound Ruin Abilities" which let you think that it is supposed to have customizable abilities like skeletons and graveknights. Which is always a cool thing.

Only problem? There must be a typo out there because either they forgot to list and rule said abilities in the monster stat block (which would be utterly shocking) or they decided in the end that this monster didn't deserve such a layer of complexity and the line listing the abilities is a typo.

Also, of course this non mindless construct-undead isn't immune to mind-effecting so a barbarian can demoralize it.

I keep finding these things that are clearly overlooked and i don't know. It didn't happen to me in first edition. It is a bit sad.

Liberty's Edge

It could very well be future-prepping; when the monster comes out in a Bestiary, more abilities will be added, for example.

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I'm not sure I understand the point about it not being mindless. It speaks languages and is built from souls. Many undead can be demoralized now, and there was never a good reason why a vampire should have been immune to mental effects in the first place. Similarly, a construct which has gained sentience would also be vulnerable. This wasn't the case in PF1 but that was dumb.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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They were actually cut entirely from the description during development, when the creature was changed pretty significantly to be something much less complicated. So yeah, it's a typo.

It's certainly cool to list custom abilities for creatures, but we can't do it for everything, and I prefer to keep monsters simple when possible—especially when they're brand new and already doing something pretty unusual.

Age of Ashes is a bit weird probably because it was written before the 2E rules were finalised. So far, Extinction Curse seems to have returned back to regular AP quality (i.e high). Althoug I am not sure how Plaguestone and Extinction Curse 1 ended up having such a similar plot.

Silver Crusade

They don’t.

They have an intelligent person as the villain (alchemist and Wizard), but that’s it.

Moppy wrote:
Age of Ashes is a bit weird probably because it was written before the 2E rules were finalised. So far, Extinction Curse seems to have returned back to regular AP quality (i.e high). Althoug I am not sure how Plaguestone and Extinction Curse 1 ended up having such a similar plot.

if i remember right age of ashes 1 rminded mea lot of carrion crown 1. city meating catches firw, eventually leads to castle ruins.

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