Turn Based Mod HELP!!

Owlcat Pathfinder CRPGs

Greetings all

Like many of us I am cooped up at home
Working from home, but honestly work is pretty minimal
LOTS of free time

Time to get into Kingmake game again
I got it early on, but just never could get into it

I have learned I am ONLY interested in Turn Based Combat RPG games

Found out about the Turn based mod for Kingmaker
Tried to download and install (several times) but can not get it to work
Gave up on that

Now that i have time
Maybe I can get help installing this turn based mod
and give the game another shot

I need help

Be willing to trade several emails
Instant messenging

anyone? Wow.. NO response at all

Perhaps direct me to a site, better suited to help?

I won't be too much help since I installed it quite some time ago and have a leaky memory so I have forgotten exactly what I did, however here are some hints.

You need to install the Unity Mod Manager which I believe is on the Nexus site.
Google "Unity Mod Manager" and it should pull up some YouTube videos on how to do that.
Download the "Turn Based Combat" from the Nexus site and use the UMM to install it.

To be honest, I am only about half way thru Chapter 2, and have used it only twice in Chapter 1 (Ratnook Hill and the actual Stag Lord fight) and so far only once in Chapter 2 (the final Troll fight).

-- david

thanks for the response

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FINALLY I got turn based mod working

MUCH more enjoyable experience playing with turn based

Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

I installed it recently, after I got to the Stag Lord's Fort and discovered I didn't have Grease or Web for CC on the bandits trying to ring the damn bell. It has helped with that, but it's so very *slow*. :-)

Yeah, I tried this out when I reinstalled the game (original play-through died when my computer died along with save file).

Somewhat I like it, but also alot of irritating stuff although that seems 90% due to lack of explicit overt grid system.
E.g. if there wasn't actually the space you thought, character will instead move to square where they can't attack from.
Sometimes something happens so characters can't take any Standard action for some reason, almost wasting those turns 100%.

But despite that all, it still feels significantly more biased to PC power, which wasn't particularly desired by me.
(And it pretty much is the "honor system" when it comes to turning Full Defense off for your attacks and then back on again,
or for that matter swapping weapon off the characters' turn which doesn't have "action cost" that swapping them ON the characters' turn does)

Honestly I'm not sure why they didn't go with grid system from the beginning, considering desire to use TT rules.
Seems like it would also simplify some AI pathfinding and other mechanics to have an explicit grid system.
It sounds like they are going at least primary turn-based in next game, so hopefully AI is better adapted for it.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Quandary wrote:

Honestly I'm not sure why they didn't go with grid system from the beginning, considering desire to use TT rules.
Seems like it would also simplify some AI pathfinding and other mechanics to have an explicit grid system.
It sounds like they are going at least primary turn-based in next game, so hopefully AI is better adapted for it.

Office of expectations management - they're not going primarily going turn based, it will still be balanced around Real-Time with Pause, just giving Turn Based as an option.

Sure, thanks... I actually gained that impression myself since I wrote that comment and looked into their communications a bit more, it looks like they are going to base it on the code of the existing Turn Based Mod (working with it's author).

Anyhow, I realistically see them having as much or more success by using same mechanical system (just integrating the Turn Based Mod in core) and spending the budget on just getting the game content polished (which seems the main complaint of Kingmaker CRPG in first year or so). I guess I would just hope that if they ever do future game, based off 2E ruleset, that they approach basic game dynamic differently and go full turn and grid-based (which in many ways simplifies tasks like AI and realtime performance, as well as tightens interface). Really even pure turn-based system can include much of benefits of semi-realtime AI by showing "default" AI actions (themselves adjustable e.g. autocast function) which one can "approve"/activate with just one click, while not interfering with designating actions individually if desired.

Then the bar is raised for AI and everything to really play well using the advantages of turn based. Just the AI can really be tuned to be more creature and encounter specific, whether defaulting to buffs in not in full attack range, or even moving/withdrawing towards other monsters it knows are close by (rather than allow itself to be ambushed in losing 1 vs many fight). I get impression that rarely happens now, with encounters largely defined by location/creature stats and generic "tactics". Without assumption AI must function within realtime, there should be plenty of room for more specific tactical AI branches, which leads to more interesting variable play instead of depending on over-tuned numbers to approximate a challenge.

EDIT: BTW, since I'm considering dropping TBM when I get back into game, do you know if the AI handles Power Attack automatically? Something like Full Attack -> Power Attack -> Charge priority makes sense, but I'm not sure if it works that way (didn't use PA Feat in 1st realtime play-thru), and I could also see it working as "always on/off" toggle which would... suck.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Quandary wrote:

Sure, thanks... I actually gained that impression myself since I wrote that comment and looked into their communications a bit more, it looks like they are going to base it on the code of the existing Turn Based Mod (working with it's author).

Anyhow, I realistically see them having as much or more success by using same mechanical system (just integrating the Turn Based Mod in core) and spending the budget on just getting the game content polished (which seems the main complaint of Kingmaker CRPG in first year or so). I guess I would just hope that if they ever do future game, based off 2E ruleset, that they approach basic game dynamic differently and go full turn and grid-based (which in many ways simplifies tasks like AI and realtime performance, as well as tightens interface). Really even pure turn-based system can include much of benefits of semi-realtime AI by showing "default" AI actions (themselves adjustable e.g. autocast function) which one can "approve"/activate with just one click, while not interfering with designating actions individually if desired.

Then the bar is raised for AI and everything to really play well using the advantages of turn based. Just the AI can really be tuned to be more creature and encounter specific, whether defaulting to buffs in not in full attack range, or even moving/withdrawing towards other monsters it knows are close by (rather than allow itself to be ambushed in losing 1 vs many fight). I get impression that rarely happens now, with encounters largely defined by location/creature stats and generic "tactics". Without assumption AI must function within realtime, there should be plenty of room for more specific tactical AI branches, which leads to more interesting variable play instead of depending on over-tuned numbers to approximate a challenge.

EDIT: BTW, since I'm considering dropping TBM when I get back into game, do you know if the AI handles Power Attack automatically? Something like Full Attack -> Power Attack -> Charge priority makes sense, but I'm...

Definitely agree it would be better if they built with Turn based mechanics involved.

In normal play, Power attack is a button you have to turn on or off, and charge acts like a spell in that you select it and then your target, I don't think the AI uses it by default.

Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

I've recently turned the Turn Based mod in Kingmaker off. The reason is that with it on, after a couple hours playing, I completely lose all sound in the game. Playing in eerie silence doesn't appeal, so...

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