Trick Attack special rules and Stunt and Strike

Rules Questions

30 people marked this as FAQ candidate. 1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

There are a lot if things that interact directly with Trick Attack, and I wonder if any of them are intended to work with Stunt and Strike. As far as I can tell, the RAW answer is "no" across the board, but I'd like to know if I'm missing something. The rules that cone immediately to mind are:

1: Operative specialization bonuses, usually of the form "You can use X to trick attack, and gain a +4 bonus to the trick roll". (This one seems especially odd to not apply to Stunts, as the DC is identical to trick attack, and assumed these bonuses for non DEX skills from day one).

2: The exploit Alien Archive, which grants a bonus to trick rolls against targets that you have identified.

3: The Star Knight challenge feature, which allows the challenge full action to be combined with trick attack

4. The Spring Attack and Shot On The Run feats, which are allowed to affect trick attack, as well as being a standalone full action.

Your timing is excellent. I was asked two of these by one of my players less than 24 hours ago. FAQ button clicked!

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Looked it over a bit and I think you're right on the RAW. Stunt replaces Trick but never internally references its mechanics or offers it up as a replacement, so nothing works.

There's definitely some stuff that maybe shouldn't work with Stunt, but shutting down everything seems heavy handed and probably not intentional.

HammerJack wrote:

There are a lot if things that interact directly with Trick Attack, and I wonder if any of them are intended to work with Stunt and Strike. As far as I can tell, the RAW answer is "no" across the board, but I'd like to know if I'm missing something. The rules that cone immediately to mind are:

1: Operative specialization bonuses, usually of the form "You can use X to trick attack, and gain a +4 bonus to the trick roll". (This one seems especially odd to not apply to Stunts, as the DC is identical to trick attack, and assumed these bonuses for non DEX skills from day one).

2: The exploit Alien Archive, which grants a bonus to trick rolls against targets that you have identified.

3: The Star Knight challenge feature, which allows the challenge full action to be combined with trick attack

4. The Spring Attack and Shot On The Run feats, which are allowed to affect trick attack, as well as being a standalone full action.

Ah, I should have bumped this one instead, due to the larger number of FAQ requests.

Bump for this, I'm very curious what the intent is for this. It seems nobody has a clear answer. As written it plays one way but it seems the intent would be the other. So FAQ and necro for publicity.

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