Road-Rage |
Apologies for the lack of posting/progress. Am putting the final touches to R-R. Revision is mostly superficial - nailed down his background more fully (links to Cascade Ork through a prison debt).
Just rejigging his skills/gear etc so should have a post up on the morrow.
Appreciate the patience & feedback (especially GMCP) and looking forward to giving R-R some real presence and character going forward.
Harry "Blacksap" Wuxiao |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Updates: I've just finished something that was giving me a lot of stress, so I think I'll be in a way better condition to think about Blacksap and get back into this game, if it's OK with you.
I was also considering trying my hand with a decker, if I can switch characters for a bit: I've read the rules and while they are a bit complex they don't seem impossible. Maybe that way I can think up a personality that comes easier to me.
Alex "Glass" Scott |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Cash & Karma - very nice.
First thing Alex will do is repay R-R for the armour vest. Then it's in search of another SIN or two...
Other than that I'm going to have to think a bit about what Glass needs.
Road-Rage |
No repayment necessary Glass - R-R is from the prison school of debt as a currency, so he knows you'll eventually do him a favour down the line.
As touched on in-game I'm looking to get some weapons mods for the Titan. Turn it into a proper war-wagon lol, so that next time there's a hot pursuit I can use a high calibre deterrent :)
Regards his rebuild - I've focussed his background - created links with Cascade Orks (via defending one of theirs in prison) - got him the part time work with Cascade Transit (and also allows him links back with Bot'Kham smuggling gang. I've mostly ditched the drones - something for him to build more on down the line as I work out the system etc better. Keeping it simple as a wheelman/brawler.
Built him much more for brawling and taken to wielding an Urban Tribe tomahawk as a throwing weapon. He also wears hand-print facepaint (distinctive style) when running.
Alex "Glass" Scott |
OK R-R, I owe you one.
As far as spending Karma goes, I've been (re)reading the rules, and see there's various things about time taken & finding a teacher & stuff like that; how are we working that into between-mission downtime?
First thing on my learning list is fixing the Chummer-induced mistake of having the alchemical version of the invisibility spell without the normal version by picking up the normal spell (I can still see a use for having both), but other karma-spending can wait a bit.
GM Captain Placeholder |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Hey guys!
Regarding the spending of Karma - feel free to write a story about training, with or without a tutor alike. There might even be an extra Karma or other tidbits added in for great writing or ideas! We'll handle that part of the fluff a little loosely, though I would expect something to be written if, for instance, Nomad decides to take Pilot(Tracked).
Feel free to ask questions and raising suggestions in here.
Blacksap - Sure! In general, Shadowrunners come and go, and it's possible that you took your payday, your goodfeel, and kept on running somewhere else. Maybe too many elves? Feel free to write something, and then Freddy can find your new character?
R-R - excellent! I'm glad to see I've sparked the fire of Shadowrun in you, loving the character!
Now, for an actual post. Better late than never.
Alanna "Wraith" Whiteangel |
Blacksap, I just want to say that I fully agree with your move right here. IMO, the sniper-on-overwatch always seems like a good concept, but with most of the action taking place indoors, it just never does quite pan out.
A decker, on the other hand, is ALWAYS needed, and is constantly asking 'where, in the many places I can do good, can I do the most good?'
Indeed, with Glass and Nomad, et al., blowing away things on the inside, I too flirted with the idea of retconning as a decker. (I just didn't because I can't understand the rules, but I'm not that bright, so I'm sure you'll do fine. =)
Descending Sunset |
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Well I used up some of my karma to become an initiate. Sun joined a group of other mystic gun-bunnies known as the Renton Gun Club. It is home to a number of adapts, bodyguards and shadowrunners. I hope that is OK.
Horatio "Nomad" Atticus |
Funny enough, Nomad is gonna take up an interest in both the care and maintenance of large firearms, as well as their use.
To wit: picking up armorer and long arms. Handloaded ex-explosive and APDS rounds, here I come.
Harry "Blacksap" Wuxiao |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I've had an unexpected trip coming my way and won't finish building her until Monday, but I'm going to be a human female decker going by the handle of Sybil, in case you want to start introductions. If I have time I'll make an avatar and drop to say hi.
Alex "Glass" Scott |
Talking of matrix support...
Out in the real (hah!) world, I've had my broadband upgraded, and the process has been one screw up after another, so if I totally vanish at some point during the next week, that'll be why.
I'm not seeing much change to Alex at the moment, a bit more kit but that's about it; maybe one more spell, but right now the ones he's got seem to be working OK.
Road-Rage |
@Glass: I feel your pain - recently also upgraded... which resulted in a monumental downgrade, so am using my work phone as a hotspot for posting. (Apparently it'll be fixed mid-Aug... "apparently").
Meantime I'm battling a summer cold gifted by visiting relatives, so am chipping away at a scene regards Karma spend etc. Fingers crossed R-R will be updated by weekend latest.
Alex "Glass" Scott |
2.5 hours after posting that the landline died totally...
"Network fault"
This is from my mobile, might have to try using it as a hotspot later
Road-Rage |
Spent 6 Karma on Gymnastics skill and 5 more on new 52 Blocks MA technique. Leaves me a take home of 2 :) - which I may spend on Armourer - Rating 1 :S
Spendwise: 1600¥ lighter from the training cost and gym dues...
Awaiting the news (and cost) of the Grade A Bang-Bang for the Titan (and its associated installation).
Most likely going with an M202 (7,000¥) c/w Heavy Weapons Mount (4,000¥); Concealed Visibility (+1,500¥), Ammo Bin (+200¥) & Flexible Flexibility (+2,000¥). Ammo, finder's fee and fitting costs to be added.
Alex "Glass" Scott |
Still no internet, and the mobile signal's rubbish for a hotspot. I expect I'll be spending this afternoon on the phone trying to hurry up a fix.
Going to spend cash on a couple of med kits, some magical reagents, and a fake SIN (a second ID feels useful).
At this point, the only karma spend looks like it's going to be on fixing the "should have normal version of Improved Invisibility before the alchemical version" mistake.
I'm also trying to get a complete understanding of what I can do with alchemical preperations and what I might be able to get out of magical initiation.
"Sybil" |
Hoi there, chummers! I'm hammering out the mechanics for Sybil, but before I did it there's one aspect of her that I'd like to run by you (I've already cleared it with the GM). My idea was a character inspired by Batman's Oracle and Shadowrun Returns' Baron Samedi, a paraplegic character focused on remote assistance. I'll get and mod a Transys Steed wheelchair drone for any mission that require physical presence, but she won't be very combat-focused: I'll rely on you for that.
Of course, I know that handicaps can hit too close to home for some of us, so if you'd rather I didn't, please tell me either here or via PM and I'll refrain from the concept, instead making her able-bodied or cyber-augmented.
Horatio "Nomad" Atticus |
I'm okay with the concept, sounds like you're aware enough to play away from the normal tropes and such.
One thing to consider; with the advent of replacement tech, why is she still rocking the wheels instead of cyberlegs or nerve replacement bioware.
Just something to think about.
"Sybil" |
I was thinking that her paralysis could be the result of a form of cerebral palsy damaging the motor cortex. Judging from the text of the "Blind" quality, nerve replacement and cyberware can't (yet) restore brain damage, therefore a wheelchair would be her only way to move.
GM Captain Placeholder |
Hey! Posting quickly from my phone, might have some time later today.
A couple of ideas I had regarding Sybil's situation - There's no 'Quadriplegic' quality in SR5. However, a combination of Sensitive System and Paraplegic, comes up to a whopping 22 negative Karma. The added penalty is that even if Sybill just wants a pair of normal (well, cyberware) legs, that's a bigger shock to her body than a Move-By-Wire system would be to the average Joe. So she might be needing some bleeding edge Deltaware just to not shred her soul away - or simply not being bothered by it, and move by terms of rigging.
"Sybil" |
Starting money before payday: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 3, 4, 5) = 16
Note for my fellow runners: her behaviour at the moment is due to the Basement Dweller negative quality. She will get a bit better.
I'll also need an Extended Hardware test to mod my deck: 10d6 + 9d6 + 8d6 + 7d6 + 6d6 ⇒ (4, 3, 6, 3, 5, 4, 5, 5, 5, 4) + (2, 4, 5, 1, 5, 5, 3, 1, 6) + (4, 1, 1, 3, 4, 4, 4, 6) + (3, 4, 1, 3, 6, 5, 1) + (2, 1, 2, 6, 6, 5) = 148 15 hits, success
Alex "Glass" Scott |
OK, so I was supposed to be getting working internet again on wednesday , but it seems to have shown up tonight.
I have no idea if I'm back properly though :)
GM Captain Placeholder |
Love the planning, guys, but just thought I should clarify, it's not an actual Gammma clinic, it's a warehouse/lab for meds that's supplying a gamma clinic. You have th accompanying pictures.
I'll try and get the maps by Tuesday, and I'll get an IC post tonight.
GM Captain Placeholder |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Hey everyone!
Sorry for keeping you waiting for so long. I'll not be able to get a post today, but I'll do my damnedest to get one tomorrow. The bright side is...
Good news, everyone! I got a new job, less hours, an hour and change closer to home, and a lot more organised structure. I'll be starting that in late October, and I'll be trying to be more present here (now that I'm not worried about being sacked, I can cut down on the unpaid overtime!)
Alanna "Wraith" Whiteangel |
I'm writing this down just so my own head gets around it.
We're supposed to be robbing--doing smash'n'grabs--at all three of these places at once, yeah?
Does that mean that 1) The party will be split three ways at the mission time, and, 2) we all are going to need rides with all our stolen loot?
It seems that stealing clothes will be bulky, so they'll need the most space. But the medical store...that's mostly drugs, which might just need a good-sized box.
Alanna "Wraith" Whiteangel |
Apparently someone made a music video about what a Shadowrun would look like (if it fit the "then Lone Star showed up and things went south" description.)
You can't really make out the words, so keep the captions on.
Also, the violence advisory is fo' reelz. You been warned. NSFW.
Also, yeah, that is a pretty close approximation to what it feels like when you love someone and they don't love you back and are -really- in to $$$.
Road-Rage |
@Wraith: Believe you're on the money with the Qs - sim ops = 3 smash and grabs. Will need separate wheels (that's why R-R was pushing for bikes for the traffic - courier or DocWagon crash team disguises for the med stuff).
R-R van can be used for the bulk clothing - its chameleon coat means it'll wear whatever skin is needed. Means he can drive for Mr & Mrs if need-be? He's helping scope the Magic Shoppe but doesn't mean he needs to be there.
Failing that turn the war-wagon over to Sybil let it run dog brain?
Horatio "Nomad" Atticus |
Ideally, we have a nondescript van pull up behind the Vashon Island store and have the employees load up for us. Talk them into giving us the clothing rather than "taking" it by force.
I thought our Johnson had a line on a Bulldog or something similar, but if we have to borrow/rent one from a contact that's fine too.
Road-Rage |
FYI: R-R's Dealer Connection quality gives us 10% off ground vehicle purchases...
Alanna "Wraith" Whiteangel |
I keep coming back to the basic math of how, in principle, to divide us for 3 runs.
Let's say that Nomad's plan goes perfectly, and the employees duly load the clothing per his instructions. So he can do that alone.
I'm guessing that Glass and RR would be together for the Ye Olde Magicke Shoppe missions because...of...reasons people...said...on the internet. Okay, I'm not sure if Glass will need help, but suffice that RR will probably be needed by Nomad or Glass.
With Sybil riding herd over the whole op, that leaves me to solo that ChemDrugPharm lab.
That's all fine, I just wanted to lay that out to wrap my head around it.
"Sybil" |
I think that Ms. Johnson was looking to hit one of the place herself.
Also, if Nomad does the Vashon job on the down-low, Glass and Sunset can deal with the Talismonger and you can grab R-R for assistance in the chemlab.
Road-Rage |
Agree - my understanding was also that the Ms. Johnson was taking care of the Pharm Farm.
R-R is down for whatever is required - just figured that skedaddling with the magic set might have needed my wheels for a sharp exit..
Alex "Glass" Scott |
Makes sense for the magically inclined to handle the magic, but a quick getaway is going to be needed from all of the jobs.
For Glass & Sun, that's either R-R or we need our own wheels.
Alanna "Wraith" Whiteangel |
Hey everyone!
Sorry for keeping you waiting for so long. I'll not be able to get a post today, but I'll do my damnedest to get one tomorrow. The bright side is...
Good news, everyone! I got a new job, less hours, an hour and change closer to home, and a lot more organised structure. I'll be starting that in late October, and I'll be trying to be more present here (now that I'm not worried about being sacked, I can cut down on the unpaid overtime!)
I'm going to cling to the idea that this game is just on hiatus until he starts getting paid to try out new batches of single-malt scotch while test-driving luxury yachts (yachtes? yachti?) in late October.
Road-Rage |
Slammed at work at present - 2020 budget estimates eating up my time, normal service will hopefully be resumed by weekend.
"Sybil" |
I too hope it's a hiatus we'll get back from. I have something planned for Sybil that I itch to show you once this job pays off. Road-Rage, if you are bored in the talismonger you can always chat with me ;)